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Someone help my dumbass please!!!!!!


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Need help with this...

I have just re-setup all my recording devices and seem to be getting a pretty good sound to disk but... My mixes totally suck!

What can I do with this file to make it sound like a CD quality release???


This is as basic playing as it comes so maybe someone can really help me here!


I know that the cymbals are far too hot in this mix... I want more midrange and bass clarity if this is possible...


Any and all suggestions are MOST WELCOME!


What I did with this track was record my Esquire down the center thru a JCM800 with not a ton of gain. Then I recorded a Kramer guitar panned 75% left thru the 800 with more gain and then the same guitar 75% right with a Maxon 808 boosting the 800 for even more gain. Bass track is down the middle as well...

Help me please!



New Recording Setup

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Just listening on computer speakers I thought it was pertty damn good sound. Yes the cymbols are right in your face but you might not have to drop them too much if you pan them wider (or pan their reverb reflections very wide). All three guitars also seem to be coming right down the center on my {censored}ty setup. They sound good except all mixed together. To get more separation I'd probably try panning the distorteds even wider and/or decreasing some of their midrange so the middle guitar comes out on top. Good luck, Please share your results.

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Originally posted by id-man

Just listening on computer speakers I thought it was pertty damn good sound. Yes the cymbols are right in your face but you might not have to drop them too much if you pan them wider (or pan their reverb reflections very wide). All three guitars also seem to be coming right down the center on my {censored}ty setup. They sound good except all mixed together. To get more separation I'd probably try panning the distorteds even wider and/or decreasing some of their midrange so the middle guitar comes out on top. Good luck, Please share your results.



Thanks so much for you comments! They are much appreciated!

I must have screwed up mixing the guitars down then. I did have them spread pretty wide when I recorded them!



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Well, I just listened to it again (closely) with some decent headphones and gotta say the tone is great. Love the combined sound of those three guitars. I do still think they could stand wider separation. I'm still getting a kind of WALL of sound focused pretty narrow down the center. It's definitely not bad like it is but if you are in a DAW situation it would be pretty easy to try more combinations of panning and eg'ing the 'side' guitars. If they really are as wide as you say then maybe the closeness is coming because all three share too many of the same frequencies. Try notching or boosting the side guitars in a frequency where the middle guitar isn't as prominent. That should help your ear pinpoint their position easier.

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Originally posted by id-man

Well, I just listened to it again (closely) with some decent headphones and gotta say the tone is great. Love the combined sound of those three guitars. I do still think they could stand wider separation. I'm still getting a kind of WALL of sound focused pretty narrow down the center. It's definitely not bad like it is but if you are in a DAW situation it would be pretty easy to try more combinations of panning and eg'ing the 'side' guitars. If they really are as wide as you say then maybe the closeness is coming because all three share too many of the same frequencies. Try notching or boosting the side guitars in a frequency where the middle guitar isn't as prominent. That should help your ear pinpoint their position easier.



Thanks much man!

I will give the notching a try too... I will do the next one panned HARD left and right and then instead of center with one edgy guitar I will move it a little right and let the bass hold down the center and see how that sounds!



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