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PAF Pro sounding mushy & unclear???


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I love that pickup in the neck position on my basswood Schecter. I did have to get used to using it and setting my amp controls. I can get great creamy distortion leads with it or almost acoustic sounds when I need that.

Lowering the pickup and using your volume control are good tips for it too. It is a muddy pickup if your equipment is not set right.

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Originally posted by AtomHeartMother

It's a DiMarzio. What do you expect?




You seem to know alot about pickups.




The PAF Pro *can* sound mushy and unclear in some guitars.....in others it seems to be fine.



Just like many Duncans can sound like icepicks in some guitars and great in others.

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Originally posted by rcervera

Distortion is not that good, not clear and pretty mushy. IN bridge of an Ibanez 350DX into a GNX4 to Laney LC30II clean ch. Any ideas?? Thx



Get rid of the GNX4. Drive those EL 84's a little harder without too much preamp gain. Set your pickups a bit further from the strings. Keep experimenting. Those PAF Pros are no different than any of the other major branded PAF copies on the market. You should be able to make them work.


Don't forget--Seth Lover was not thinking about distortion when he invented his humbuckers. They were designed for clean tones. All those great PAF tones that we heard in the 60s thru the 80s were created by players driving their power amps. There were no master volume/gain controls on most of those old Marshalls and Voxes. A Fuzz Face and maybe a wah is all that was in the signal path.

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Originally posted by docjeff

Get rid of the GNX4. Drive those EL 84's a little harder without too much preamp gain. Set your pickups a bit further from the strings. Keep experimenting. Those PAF Pros are no different than any of the other major branded PAF copies on the market. You should be able to make them work.

Don't forget--Seth Lover was not thinking about distortion when he invented his humbuckers. They were designed for clean tones. All those great PAF tones that we heard in the 60s thru the 80s were created by players driving their power amps. There were no master volume/gain controls on most of those old Marshalls and Voxes. A Fuzz Face and maybe a wah is all that was in the signal path.



The PAF Pro was designed as a boosted PAF with the ability to fuel larger signal chains and distortion in mind. It has pretty good output. It's in the neck of my RG3120 and I love it. Nice balanced, full, and round sound. Works for just about any application. I would agree to keep changing certain variables of your rig and see what happens. But there might be a better pickup for you out there...keep playing and see what specifically bothers you in your sound.


*BTW: Anything that is not true bypass pisses me off. IMO bad bypass tone suck is VERY noticable when you switch on distortion. I don't know what the GNX4 is like...but try without it.

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