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Why does John Mayer get a signature Strat??!!


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Originally posted by Reag1502

Making all these stupid cheesy "blues expressions" on his face the whole time.



You must never feel it when you play. I am nowhere near as talented as Mayer but I get funny looks on my face when I play.


Are you too busy trying to look cool?

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Originally posted by jetmarshall

What is Fender thinking??? Are we running out of guitar heroes or what? Is the state of guitar playing THAT desperate? Most artists with a signature Strat are veterans in the annals of rock history. What has John Mayer done? He has what, two or three albums? Does his Strat deserve to be up there with Clapton, Beck, Guy and Johnson? These guys are as iconic as the Strat itself - that's why they deserve to have their names on the guitars. A John Mayer Strat?

hee hee, I could not agree more. I was shocked as well. But I suppose the almighty dollar spoke ;)

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Originally posted by BootRoots

why do we still have this conversation?

He has a signature guitar because Fender knows it can sell them. Its GOOD business.

Are you saying that the only real reason there are sig models and endorsements is to sell product????

who would have figured......;)

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Mayer at least is developing a rep in some quarters as a hot player as well as being a pop singer. You want weird sig model choices how about the old Gibson Trini Lopez models. Lopez actually had two models named after him even though his fame was as a singer and not as a guitarist.

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Originally posted by OldFenderGuy

I'm still waiting for Fender to come out with a David Gilmour Signature Strat....

No doubt it would be a big seller and profit maker..

Yeah, you would think..... He's had quite a few hits with with one. He's underated imo.

Doesn't he own a Strat with the serial number 1? Or one of the first one's made?

Mayer surprised me with his SRV copying ability. But Buddy Guy took him to school on ACL. Buddy Guy is the man!

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buddy guy is fun to watch on stage cuz hes intoxicated.

when he just woke up in the morning, or there is daylight out, he plays a bit better but hes boring.

at night he seems funny as hell. makin all these faces just standin there. pointing at {censored}. yelling. homeboy must be drinkin. thats a fun show.

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Originally posted by Europa760

buddy guy is fun to watch on stage cuz hes intoxicated.

when he just woke up in the morning, or there is daylight out, he plays a bit better but hes boring.

at night he seems funny as hell. makin all these faces just standin there. pointing at {censored}. yelling. homeboy must be drinkin. thats a fun show.

Is that right? You think he would be too old to handle drinking a lot. (I am :( ) He's gotta in his 70's.
He plays with a lot of feeling and he knows how to hold a crowd - two things that get instant respect from me.

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my geetar has a first name, it's F-E-N-D-E-R. my geetar has a second name its M-A-Y-E-R.

yeah, i dont get the logic behind some of fenders signature models. at least like on Johnson's model or the Yngwie strat there are some mods and a little different than regular line. whasts the mayer model have? different pickups? seriously. whats the justification?

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Originally posted by Europa760

it pretty much amazes me, that on a forum of guitar players, they cant see how hard the {censored} is that he plays.



Maybe that's the problem, I don't think it's hard. At the constant touting of people on here I checked out his acoustic version of Neon and it took me about 10 minutes to play it up to speed. And I never play acoustic and grabbed somebody else's with sky-high action.

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Originally posted by Sarricola_Sauce

He gets a sig strat because like it or not he's the best young mainstream guitar player out there right now. Granted that makes him pretty mediocre overall, but give the baren wasteland popular music has been for so long, some young kid who can actually play a bit can only be a good thing. Hopefully John Mayer will inspire kids to play and actually get 'good' at their instrument, and they'll realize they can easily push the instrument even farther than he has, and we'll get more talent in the music world as a result. We're still recovering from this pop/punk/emo {censored} and we can't expect real players to come back over night. Mayer wrote some lame chick tunes to get famous, now that he has a name, he's in a trio, playing with scofield, and hopefully turning young kids on to some hot players they otherwise might not hear.



Dude it's already happening. I'm 17 and have been playing for 2 years, but I don't need some f***ing pop guy to inspire me. I don't need "new" crap. I learn Iron Maiden stuff, Steve Vai, Zakk Wylde, DAVE MUSTAINE, Marty Friedman, Joe Sat, Judas Priest... etc. You know, I'm tired of young people being looked down on like this. We don't need to be "sold" NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW stuff. We can look back farther than 2 weeks you know. I play for 8 hours a day on weekends, work 'til midnight every day doing dishes to pay for gear and recording a demo, start practicing before I go to school, pick up guitar and practice after school until going to work. There are dedicated high-school-aged kids out there - we're coming and we're gonna blow you away, MTV, and spit on your grave.

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At least he's talented. Not like Tom Delonge who had a Fender AND a Gibson sig model. JM is a decent songwriter, good voice, and pretty good acoustic and electric chops. Has some songs that you don't mind hearing more than once or twice. But bottom line, it's just Marketing 101 designed to increase sales.

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Originally posted by Europa760

it pretty much amazes me, that on a forum of guitar players, they cant see how hard the {censored} is that he plays.

i would you only have to try and play a guitar once in your life, to appreciate what mayer can do. Its a criteria everyone on a guitar forum has surpassed.

yet there are people who can't see the skill. which then leads me to believe theyre stupid.




I appreciate John Mayer. He's a great player, no doubt. Great chord progressions and voicings. Wicked finger-style rhythm. I learn a lot from his playing.


However, there are many great players out there who've been around a lot longer and have served in the trenches. Does JM share the same stature as Clapton, Beck, Guy and Johnson?

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i can understand y some of u would get annoyed at this kid getting his own signature strat, but it comes down to a similar issue of guys/gals w/no talent getting recording contracts. Guys/gals w/tremendous talent getting nowhere.
A couple of observations though. The kid can play, and fender is probably moving some of these guitars. Think of it this way,...lol, if anyone else becomes popular, start playing strats and get in touch w/fender and negotiate a signature deal w/them...

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