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the old TV Yellow was semi-transparent, right?


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Originally posted by docjeff

I don't think most of us would like to see how many pieces of mahogany were spliced together under a semi-transparent finish to create that $130 wonder. We are better off not knowing;)

I'm sure it's a great value, though.

Fender doesn't mind doing it. :D

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Originally posted by docjeff

I don't think most of us would like to see how many pieces of mahogany were spliced together under a semi-transparent finish to create that $130 wonder. We are better off not knowing;)

I'm sure it's a great value, though.



If that's so, then why do they have a transparent one going for the same price?

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There are certain immutable laws of guitar making. One of them is that an Asian factory that puts out 20,000 units per month and sells them for $130 U.S. is not going to be using premium tonewoods with two or three piece bodies. When they say "solid mahogany," they mean several pieces, probably from different trees, sandwiched together to make larger planks that can be cut into guitar bodies.

The same is true of low end U.S. made guitars like the Melody Maker pictured above, but my guess is that the wood used for that is significantly better than the budget Asian guitars.

Fender uses only two and three pieces of Alder or Ash for their American Series guitars. All of my Gibson solid bodiy guitars feature one piece bodies, except for my SG Classic which has three pieces of mahogany spliced toghether.


Good tonewood selection makes it possible to use lighter colored transparent finishes (like TV Yellow and White) that would not look good on guitars with several pieces of wood glued together from different trees. The stain would look uneven because the different pieces of wood would react differently to the stain.

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Originally posted by chu2

So why are SX's
copies not semi-transparent? Or are they just crappy photos? I wonder...

Thats the only thing that's keeping me from buying one.



Not only are they not the least bit semi transparent, but they also arrive with too much green tinge to the yellow color. Must be the cheap wood affecting the yellow pigment.


My friend bought one. He thought it was fine for the few bucks, but I thought it was too dense and heavey and the color was a miss.

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