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musiciansfriend wont post bad reviews?


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Just thought I would bring this up because theres been talk about reviews not being accepted lately.


I've had this happen a few times, I gave less than stellar reviews, without resorting to profanity, on certain pedals. The last one being the Boss MD-2. Anyways, at the end of my review, I recommended people look at another high gain pedal in the same price range, however this was not a product that MF carried. There are some less than stellar reviews on there, but to me it seems most of them glorify the product they sell. Regardless, I just found this disturbing as many people are getting grosly misinformed about products when they only read reviews that glorify said products. Was my review not accepted because it did not favour said product, or because I advised the purchase of a product they didnt carry?


Has this happened to anybody else?

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I recently posted reviews for a blackout tele and MF's own guitar case (both of which were positives, all 8s and 9s).


Neither of them showed up at all. They were both posted over 2 weeks ago.


Something's going on there but I don't know if it is entirely just censorship.

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musiciansfriend wont post bad reviews?

Nope, that's been my experience as well...posted a review on a Schechter MF LE C-1 that told it like it was - The guitar was tinny cause the tonewood stank.

They never posted it, but it was posted on HC.

Of course that was before HC was bought by MF...

I did have another review nixxed by MF, although they posted to glowing reviews I made about some other stuff :rolleyes:

Me thinks HC is going the same way now from all appearances, won't be long before this place is a total noob-fest.

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Originally posted by TaZMaNiO

Nope, that's been my experience as well...posted a review on a Schechter MF LE C-1 that told it like it was - The guitar was tinny cause the tonewood stank.

They never posted it, but it was posted on HC.

Of course that was before HC was bought by MF...

I did have another review nixxed by MF, although they posted to glowing reviews I made about some other stuff

Me thinks HC is going the same way now from all appearances, won't be long before this place is a total noob-fest.

haha yes, my glowing reviews seemed to sneak in there just fine, hours after I wrote them..... very interesting lol:)

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Originally posted by ExtraGum

Yeah, I don't think HC has EVER posted all reviews either. THe reviews here are overwhelmingly 9-10s on every product.



I think that has more to do with the fact that people tend to review products they like and/or that most people don't have experience with a wide variety of similar products. It would be interesting to see whether the scores assigned are uniformly distributed, but that's almost certainly not the case i.e., there's probably way more 10s and 9s than say, 3s and 4s.





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I think you guys are just paranoid.

My glowing review of a Vanous Evolution preamp never got posted.

And my evil malicious predatory but honest review of a certain product I won't mention.......got posted.

I think they are just overwhelmed with submissions and some are lost as a result.

(just a guess. I don't work here)

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When I was trying to figure out what Squier Strat I wanted as my second purchase during last month's Squier-Thon, I read a lot of reviews on MF, not HC, that were extremely negative, so if they're ensoring anything over there, they sure are doing a bad job of it.
I would imagine that both sites do their best to exclude reviews that are littered with profanity or are simply idiotic (like many HC reviews are), like the ones that go, "This guitar isn't any effen good. I have to tune the E string every week."

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I don't think there's a grand conspiracy, reviews probably don't get posted because someone hasn't approved it yet. There are some really nasty reviews in that database, take a look at the Danelectro mini's for a start. While I don't believe they should be censored, it would be nice if the all 1 reviews didn't get put in, because they generally consist of "this is {censored}" rather than a constructive criticism of the product in question.

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Since MF owns HC, can they take parts of peoples posts on the message boards and in the review databases and use in advertisements in their catalog and on their site?

MF advertisement: Harmony central review:"Get this pedal... a great dirt pedal!"

Actual post : Get this pedal if you like harsh tone, didital fizziness, and don't care about good tone. If you want a good distortion pedal, get a rat which is a great dirt pedal!


MF advertisement: Harmony central review:"I'm amazed...good tone!

Actual post : I amazed that a company would build such an unreliable piece of {censored}! One step on it and the plastic casing breaks, definatly not built for live use. When does work it messes up your good tone!

:D :D

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