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This just in...Malmsteen is Esteban !


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It's true ! It all came out because Yngwie is being sued by Geico for refusing to make any more commercials after, he says, Geico renigged on an alleged "spoken" agreement to finance a signature series line of "Esteban" Classical Guitars as part of their deal. Turns out there never was any agreement, at least on paper, so YM stands to loose big time unless he fullfills his contract with Geico and delivers two more "Esteban" Commercials. It's in the american courts now. What a mess !

Didn't you always kind of see the resemblance, now that you think about it. Carefully crafted dark persona; "I'm too good looking for the camera" posturing. And the way the've both porked out over the years. In retrospect one can see that it had to happen; Yngwie's ego was much huge to be contained in one personality. Will be keeping eyes on the story.

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