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dixie chicks on letterman


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Originally posted by tcoursen

What is the differance between Reba, Toby K and the Dixie Chicks? I don't follow country music, but musically is there much of a difference? I know Toby K has those over the top patriotic songs about putting a boot in somebodies ass, but outside of those songs is there a differance? Isn't their big hit song about killing some guy named Earl? Is that really "above" other country artists? Whether they like it or not, they are country artists. That is what made them their fame and fortune. Isn't it just a tad bit obnoxious to come out and try and claim that they now don't want to have fans that happen to like other country artists?

When was the last time a band basically said FU to all their fans and changed styles looking for a completely new audience and had it work for them? I'm not sure if any band can pull that off.



But they do stuff like "Travelling Soldier", too... that's the difference... and they can play

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I found the clip on youtube. The actual "Dixie Chick" playing a tele was playing some kinda "how much more black could this be and the answer is none" guitar that I couldn't manage a good look at.



The silver guitar was on a backing musician, obviously never focused on, and didn't appear to have a trem. Near as I can tell it was a stock Fender with a silver paintjob.



Also, the opening chords sounded like a knockoff of "Rockin' In The Free World." :p

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Originally posted by fanuvbrak

You must be very young to compare what the Dixie Chicks did to what Jane Fonda did.

Jane Fonda visited an enemy camp to give them "moral support" - inexcusable.

The Dixie Chicks said at a a concert that they were "Ashamed that the President was from Texas." An opinion.

The reason the whole political thing is resurfacing is because they chose "Not Ready To Make Nice" as they're first single, which essentially tells the country stations that boycotted them to go F themselves. Gutsy move, and it may end up being a mistake, but at least their not placating the narrow-minded.

As for the guitar, she plays it in the video and you can only make out that its Tele-shaped. Not the manufacturer. Coll guitar, though.



Natalie Mains made that statement not here in the USA, but abroad, in a time of war, in a country that doesn't care for America anyway.... That's closer to what Jane Fonda did than you are giving credit for.....

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Originally posted by geddins81

Natalie Mains made that statement not here in the USA, but abroad, in a time of war, in a country that doesn't care for America anyway.... That's closer to what Jane Fonda did than you are giving credit for.....



Got to be something in the water in Texas.

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Originally posted by geddins81

Natalie Mains made that statement not here in the USA, but abroad, in a time of war, in a country that doesn't care for America anyway.... That's closer to what Jane Fonda did than you are giving credit for.....



I don't think this thread really belongs here, but since it hasn't been deleted....


Jane Fonda went to North Viet Nam, the country we were at war with at the time, for the specific purpose of demonstrating against the war. Natalie Maines spoke out in the context of a scheduled performance in England, our only significant ally in our current war. In what possible way is one act similar to the other?

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Originally posted by Jim_Soloway

Jane Fonda went to North Viet Nam, the country we were at war with at the time, for the specific purpose of demonstrating against the war. Natalie Maines spoke out in the context of a scheduled performance performance in England, our only significant ally in our current war. In what possible way is one act similar to the other?


For some stupid reason, I had it in my mind she was in FRANCE when she said that....my apologies for the mistake. My point in the whole deal was really to show that WORDS MEAN THINGS.....sure, you can say whatever you want to say....but we shouldn't forget when we speak that the words we say can have long-lasting effects on others.....and she clearly doesn't care....nor did Fonda.


Again, sorry for my mistake about the country....thanks Jim for clearing it up instead of insulting the pond water we drink in Texas like numbskull did :wave:

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Originally posted by curseoftruth

But France is one of our top 10 enemies. I say that in total seriousness. They do everything in their power to undermine our policy.



They're not enemies of our state. They are our economic competitors. They work to strengthen their markets.

Just as we do to undermine their market shares, which is based on the Euro.


A stronger dollar and weaker Euro means more for us and less for them - and whether our leaders and economists say it outright, or merely strike deals that make it so - that's what we do.


If you think we're crawling around and dying in a few oil rich countries without an economic plan based on the dollar, you would be a fool.


just because france doesn't want to fight a war over economic concerns doesn't make them our enemy.

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Originally posted by curseoftruth

But France is one of our top 10 enemies. I say that in total seriousness. They do everything in their power to undermine our policy.



Just for fun, why not look up what happened during the Suez crisis? France undermining US policy indeed.

Gotta kick that pond water.

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Originally posted by geddins81

For some stupid reason, I had it in my mind she was in FRANCE when she said that....my apologies for the mistake. My point in the whole deal was really to show that WORDS MEAN THINGS.....sure, you can say whatever you want to say....but we shouldn't forget when we speak that the words we say can have long-lasting effects on others.....and she clearly doesn't care....nor did Fonda.

Again, sorry for my mistake about the country....thanks Jim for clearing it up instead of insulting the pond water we drink in Texas like numbskull did


I like Texas. I spent some time there years ago and enjoyed it. I just think it produces some very bad presidents. I find it most interesting that the first president from Texas was considered extremely liberal and the second extremely conservative. I think they were damn near identical.


And lest anyone think I'm just being a partisan Bush basher, I don't think Bill Clinton was a whole lot better, just a lot luckier

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Originally posted by geddins81

Natalie Mains made that statement not here in the USA, but abroad, in a time of war, in a country that doesn't care for America anyway.... That's closer to what Jane Fonda did than you are giving credit for.....



It's "Maines".


So if you choose to fight a war for no apparent reason, you then get to stifle dissent because we're at war??????? If Britain doesn't care for America, whose fault is that? They loved us during previous administrations.


The Dixie Chicks had the virtue of being ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about the war. That should count for something.


Their wording wasn't great, I can see how it could have offended Texans. Perhaps it should have been more generic, like "I'm ashamed to be in the same SPECIES as Bush".

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Originally posted by bdegrande

It's "Maines".

So if you choose to fight a war for no apparent reason, you then get to stifle dissent because we're at war??????? If Britain doesn't care for America, whose fault is that? They loved us during previous administrations.

The Dixie Chicks had the virtue of being ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about the war. That should count for something.

Their wording wasn't great, I can see how it could have offended Texans. Perhaps it should have been more generic, like "I'm ashamed to be in the same SPECIES as Bush".


Well fatty wanted to bag the leader of our country on a personal level. Not a policy.


She's fat and loud mouthed so who cares about her anyways?



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Originally posted by batotman

Well fatty wanted to bag the leader of our country on a personal level. Not a policy.

She's fat and loud mouthed so who cares about her anyways?



yeah - from now on, ONLY PAY ATTENTION to the really good looking chicks that slag Bush in public.


Batmang wants it that way!

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Originally posted by sonaboy

yeah - from now on, ONLY PAY ATTENTION to the really good looking chicks that slag Bush in public.

Batmang wants it that way!


Yeah cuz at least instead of gibberish coming from a fat load, you'd have something to look at! :D








Duh.....blonde.....big rack.........:D



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Originally posted by batotman

Yeah cuz at least instead of gibberish coming from a fat load, you'd have something to look at!


does this mean the next time an ugly skank makes a nice compliment about Bush, i can prove that she's both wrong, and good for nothing too?

because if she's ugly and talks politics, then all that gibberish is only getting in the way of her doing my laundry, right?


this is starting to make a lot of sense.

thanks Sooperman!

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Originally posted by sonaboy

does this mean the next time an ugly skank makes a nice compliment about Bush, i can prove that she's both wrong, and good for nothing too?

because if she's ugly and talks politics, then all that gibberish is only getting in the way of her doing my laundry, right?

this is starting to make a lot of sense.

thanks Sooperman!



If you let skanks touch your unmentionables....thats just your preference.....gross.

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