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Do you get pissed when you see very young or unskilled players with great gear?


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Originally posted by lerxstcat

Would you rather he knew it was you and sugar-coated his review to placate you? At least you got his honest opinion. And your reaction to the emo bands is the same thing as the reviewer's reaction was to your band.

Since it's your EX-band anyway, I guess you didn't think they were that great either, rigtht? Just sayin'....



Oh no, I agree with you that it was best to get his honest opinion, although i feel he pushed it in the other direction to tell a more interesting story (the thread I read this in was about {censored}ty guitarists using nice gear:thu:).


He himself is an emo {censored} anyway, so I really don't give a {censored} if he chokes on his own blood.


Yes, that band sucked, which is why I left it, so no hard feelings. He just specifically called me out which got me a bit pissed.

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Originally posted by RoboCop00

I tend not to have a jealous streak, so it doesn't bother me too much, but I do cringe when I see a 13 year old murdering a LP that his Daddy bought him trying to play Green Day or something.

And, believe it or not, I have seen it.


YOU THINK THAT'S BAD?! I once knew a rich kid whose dad bought him a brand new Gibson LP and he CARVED HIS {censored}ING NAME IN IT! :freak::mad::eek: Then he traded it even for a used '80s American Strat with Lace Sensors. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Mr.Mow

Hi Ive been playing 2 years.. I suck!

When I bought my Gibson.. There were 2 spotty kids.. "man that guy sucks, he doesn't deserve that {censored}in gibson".. Yeah thanks.. But you know what, I can AFFORD this Gibson, you can't.. so blow me!

I went home with a nice shiny new Gibson.. I'm 31, i'm never going to be a rock star, I enjoy my gear.. {censored}em!




I have a 58r and I can't play very well SO WHAT I would rather learn on a nicer guitar than a POS. There is no law saying you can't buy a nice guitar until you deserve it. I hate people who tell me I don't deserve a gibson. Point is, wether you are a begginer or an experienced player, as long as you enjoy playing guitar OR EVEN IF YOU DON'T buy what the {censored} you want if money goes to waste when someone who just quits IT'S THERE PROBLEM.

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Originally posted by Valtyr

No, it doesn't bother me.

What does bother me is seeing beginners trying to learn on unplayable instruments. They have no chance to succeed.



This is what I hate to see. In another thread, I related a story about a music shop where the owner would b.s. about the equipment, for example, saying a 100.oo Cort strat copy sounded just like a '57 Strat. Now to someone who knows better, you just laugh and walk out, but what about the newbie who believes his crap and ends up with an unplayable piece of crap? Guys like that suck.

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What makes me laugh are youngsters that think they're better than you because their rig costs more than yours does. As if that had anything to do with it! As if they could hear the difference anyway! LOL


Years ago I knew a guy that had several Les Pauls and two full stacks, and he never had a band. He wasn't a terrible player, but it sure seemed like a waste to have all that {censored} for playing in his living room.


When I was young I had a Les Paul Artist, original Tube Screamer, and a BF Super Reverb. I got everything used and cheap, but I hated the whole rig. I was trying to sound like Judas Priest, and that {censored} just wasn't getting me there. I should have found some SRV freak to sell the TS and Super to, but I didn't know any better and traded it for a 71 Ford LTD.

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I generally try not to worry too much about what other people have. And since I have some pretty nice guitars relative to my pretty meager talent/ability, I consider myself very lucky and try not to think about it beyond that....

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Every time someone has nicer things than me, it makes me upset. So I grab a stick and bash their skull in, screaming "BUNGAIOOOO!" as I smear their blood across my chest, and walk away with their former property.


(Well that or I don't really care what others have or how they got it unless they stole it... :) )



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no because I consider myself under that category, i need to practice more. But either way, I've bought most of my gear, so why should I feel bad about that? Who is to say what someone 'deserves', as long as they paid for it, its not really not anyone's business. Although if I do see someone with really nice stuff who can't play at least in time, then I'll maybe make a remark about it, but I don't reallly get upset. At best chuckle at them...

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Here are some comforting words, from the poet Andrew Marvel:


Some are born to sweet delight

Some are born to endless night


So. Some young people get fancy gear from their parents. Some people start life with plenty of money. It's not just GUITARS that they get -- they get sports cars, charge accounts, expensive clothing, club memberships, and so forth. Some of us get essentially nothing -- no gear, no food, no medical care, no money and schools and neighborhoods that are falling apart.


Faced with a world that forces many children to go without food and medical care and good schools, I can't get too upset about rich folks with Les Pauls. Inequality of guitars is NOT A PRIORITY! Inequality of basic opportunity IS a big deal.

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My grandparents bought me my first guitar and amp, a Squier Affinity Strat with a Peavey Rage 158, for my 15th birthday. Pieces of junk, and I almost put my desire to play guitar down entirely in the first six months, but I kept at it. And the years following, I bought better gear.


I'm now 21 and have been playing for 6 years (including a punk band, a few church/worship bands, and various other "odd job" gigs). I live on my own, I work a full-time job, and pay for community college as I go along, and this year I sort of said to myself, "I've had it! I'm getting the gear I really want!" I recently purchased a shiny new Schecter Tempest Custom (swapped out the pickups with new Duncans), a Pedal Pad board, and I just ordered a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier head...


I've always believed that my level of gear should equal my level of playing. I get angry when I hear someone tell a parent that they should buy their 12 year-old son a Gibson Les Paul, because they will like it better. I'm sorry... You can flog me for saying this, but a beginner can NOT appreciate the level of quality and craftsmanship that goes into a piece of equipment of that caliber. Start your kid off with cheaper equipment, and let him move up from there.


A Les Paul loses its tonal value when it's not tuned properly.

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Na, it doesn't bother me. It does bother me when a guy thinks he's good because of his gear but can't play for {censored}. I think the general listening audience has no clue on gear. Either you can play or you can't. Fancy gear won't help you much.

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When I was young, I used to resent these spoiled brats with indulgent parents who had more money than sense and bought their kids everything their little hearts desired.


Now that I'm older (46) I realize that most of these spoiled brats never amounted to much of anything once they hit the mean real world.


Having indulgent and wealthy parents is a worse curse than heroin or cocaine. It can destroy one's soul, one's work ethic, and turns kids into useless parasites.

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Originally posted by scott_335

the more that people buy a lot of great gear and do not practice, the better the used market gets. "You couldnt get a good sound out of that les paul studio? well Ill take it off your hands for 500. Maybe I can fix it."





In that case, maybe I should open up a used guitar shop. I'd be swimming in high-end gear. . . (food for thought)

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It does make me cringe a little but i am don't care too much. There have always been kids like that. However if you think about the {censored}ty music these kids listen to these days it is no wonder they can't play, what is there to inspire them?

Parents today are much more indulgant of kids across the board and most don't think twice about it cause all of them are pretty much like that it seems.

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I am one of the kings of the rotten, I'm afraid. I take old dying and decaying instruments, build them up using whatever parts I have and go with it.


I just got a brand new warlock. Its my first new guitar in over four years! My one before that was an Ibanez somethingorother.


All my stuff near enough is second hand. The reality is, I have a suck job along with a mortgage and stuff, so I can't afford to buy all the guitars and amps I would love to just go and get. There are guitars on here sometimes that just make me uncontrollably lust, but its hard not being able to get it, no matter how hard you work!


But, I got me new one now! Just a good thing they were cut price cuz I never would have afforded it otherwise!


What does burn me is people who have the intelligence of a gnat telling me I'm stupid while they piss off home early in their

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Actually as has been said, there's no problem with beginners having expensive gear. I mean, chances are it may be locked up in junior's closet after a few weeks when he decides its too hard, but that just provides us all with bargains, dunnit? I grew up on cheapy gear and when I got my expensive warlock and ESP and Jacksons and what not, yea I was still learning, but I respected my gear well enough and baby every piece of it!


That kid who carved his name into that LP should be shot.


Cheap and crappy gear though I don't mind, I've even smashed a few sub

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So it all depends on what you call nice or expensive.


I'm a newb, less than a year playing.


I own 5 guitars, 2 big pedals, and a decent amp (got it for $100 from some rich kid...)


I met a dude in a band, been playing 20 years. We were talking about pods, and I mentioned the Pod XTL. He said he wanted one, but it was too expensive.


I don't think $400 is all that much. And my gear list is mostly $300-$400 items (except for my initial practice amps).


But I have more gear than a newbie needs. I have more pedal than a newbie needs. But I enjoy playing with them. And it's my money, and though I'm not rich, I can afford to buy a $400 item every couple of months.


I started with a battery powered marshal, moved to a 6" Crate, now have a 1x12 Spider.


I say this, a new player should have a >$200 guitar. Something that stays in tune, and has solid electronics (no flakiness). He should have a descent amp so he can hear good clean, and have some overdrive for "rock" tone. All of that can be had for $400.


Anything more isn't needed. It may be fun, but you should get the good stuff as a reward for practice and improvement.


I definitely believe you cannot buy good tone. A good player can make my Yamaha and Crate sound good. I know it. All extra gear is extra gravy.

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