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Pitch Shifting a choir

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Pitch shift problems




I have just recorded a very nice classical unaccompanied choir and though they stay well in tune with each other the whole piece may drop as much as a tone across a 4 minute piece. I have used the graphic pitch shift in Cubase using the MPEX algorithm to ramp it up to pitch but it completely mangles the sound and adds a load of strange artifacts. Is there anything out there that can really do this job or should I just leave well alone.

I know its only an mp3 but Ive put one of the tracks up at I know its only an mp3 but Ive put one of the tracks up at www.reelsound.co.uk/test.htm

You will hear on this track that the pitch drops by just over a semi tone over 2 minutes. Another problem is that the MD also wants to speed up or slow down a couple of pthe pieces. Does madness lie this way?

Finally I have come across the Waves graphic soundshifter plug in. Does anyone have any experience of this one?


Thanks again


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Interesting issue. I hear where they get off. Sounds like the women take it south, everyone adjusts, and you're in the next key down.


Yes, I think madness lies this way. The Waves plugin sounds pretty bad in my experience. Your best bet would be Melodyne and I'm not sure I'd like the way side effects would fit a natural sounding choir. True, they are in tune with each other every step, so I think you could try to slide stuff but...


It would be different if this were some stuff intended to be inserted in a pop production but this is some great sounding, very natural music. What I heard doesn't bother me enough to try to jeopardize the integrity of it's beautiful sound you've captured.


If this is an issue for the director, convince then to rehearse more on this issue specifically and re-record. Check key center against the piano as the recording progresses to varify that you're not drifting. Add it to the list of things you're listening for as you track.

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+1 to the above on not changing it.


For unaccompanied choirs, that's the nature of the beast. I've definitely heard worse. Besides, I'd rather hear an unedited performance with all the mistakes and slight errors than something perfect. Beauty lies in imperfection, especially in classical music.:thu:

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