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John Mayer strat in action


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beginners get very touchy when it comes to being truthful about other people abilities, why ? ..because they could b next :)

tho childish bs does build the post count nicely :thu:

oh almost forgot, call me crazy but if someone drops over a grand an puts in time to learn to play , isnt "1" of the goals to play well ?

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Originally posted by grinch

beginners get very touchy when it comes to being truthful about other people abilities, why ? ..because they could b next

tho childish bs does build the post count nicely

oh almost forgot, call me crazy but if someone drops over a grand an puts in time to learn to play , isnt "1" of the goals to play well ?

Guys that post "smack" like you are a dime a dozen. So far you have cracked on this guys playing and his unworthyness of the gear he has. Post some vids of your playing. Lets see how much better you are than this guy.:wave:

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Originally posted by Burningleaves

Guys that post "smack" like you are a dime a dozen. So far you have cracked on this guys playing and his unworthyness of the gear he has. Post some vids of your playing. Lets see how much better you are than this guy.

i was waiting for this .. :)... but do i have to post a video how bout just a sound clip or better yet .. i'll call up and get some studio time and make an album just for u lmao.. stfu

No matter how well i play and i do play very well (not to have my ego grow more than it already is) im sure will u say somthing bad even if its not true ... why ?

lets see

1) this dude in the video is ur long lost brother
2) hes ur b/f
3 )u just wanna see how handsome i am
4) more of 3 and no i will not b nakkid while I play (unless ur blonde skinny have a big rack an have no penis n r mute)
5) U were the guy at the talent show everyone voted to give up guitar n take up somtin like coin collecting

I have an Idea lets see some of ur clips and i'll tell u how much u suck too... and no charge ;)

Lets all be real about this He sucks u know it i know it, anyone who plays guitar (not as a hobby) knows it... am i mean? NO!

Im Honest doesnt that just piss u off :) Be *REAL* Or Ur Christmas tree is mine haha :eek:

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Originally posted by grinch

Its all about the Music i think.. and How well U can Play ur instrument like i said just my 2 cents



So then quit bitchin' and go play your guitar.


And I'll bet he's a shredder too, no doubt.

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Originally posted by Hunter6

So then quit bitchin' and go play your guitar.

And I'll bet he's a shredder too, no doubt.

how dare u shredder?.... hmm i have been called worse i take that back :)

People r so defensive on this subject do u cry when you break a high E string too ? :D

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Originally posted by Richard Guy

Why criticize an expression in art ? At least the guy has the balls to video tape himself, smile nicely and have a good time sharing his happiness.

i do give him credit tho he did learn how to hit the record button :thu:

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Originally posted by grinch

i was waiting for this ..
... but do i have to post a video how bout just a sound clip or better yet .. i'll call up and get some studio time and make an album just for u lmao.. stfu

No matter how well i play and i do play very well (not to have my ego grow more than it already is) im sure will u say somthing bad even if its not true ... why ?

lets see

1) this dude in the video is ur long lost brother

2) hes ur b/f

3 )u just wanna see how handsome i am

4) more of 3 and no i will not b nakkid while I play (unless ur blonde skinny have a big rack an have no penis n r mute)

5) U were the guy at the talent show everyone voted to give up guitar n take up somtin like coin collecting

I have an Idea lets see some of ur clips and i'll tell u how much u suck too... and no charge

Lets all be real about this He sucks u know it i know it, anyone who plays guitar (not as a hobby) knows it... am i mean? NO!

Im Honest doesnt that just piss u off
Be *REAL* Or Ur Christmas tree is mine haha

MMMhhhmmm......so...I take it your not going to post any legitimate clips of your playing then?

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Originally posted by Burningleaves

MMMhhhmmm......so...I take it your not going to post any legitimate clips of your playing then?

i have no prob posting a clip at all.. wat i do have a prob with is u defending him, this isnt broke back mountain forums ..

dont u find it a bit odd the need to defend this perfect stranger?

wait a sec!! Is that u in the video ? lmao

hands u the melbay guitar 101 lesson book :p

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Originally posted by grinch

i have no prob posting a clip at all.. wat i do have a prob with is u defending him, this isnt broke back mountain forums ..

dont u find it a bit odd the need to defend this perfect stranger?

wait a sec!! Is that u in the video ? lmao

hands u the melbay guitar 101 lesson book

Me in that video? I gotta admitt that was very funny:D

I am not defending this guy at all. If my posts gave you that impression then they are wrong. Though if in fact I was, It would seem no less odd than your verbal attacks on him. At any rate, It's more of a cracking on the people that are cracking on the people sort of thing...get the idea?

Now about those clips......

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Originally posted by Burningleaves

Me in that video? I gotta admitt that was very funny:D

I am not defending this guy at all. If my posts gave you that impression then they are wrong. Though if in fact I was, It would seem no less odd than your verbal attacks on him. At any rate, It's more of a cracking on the people that are cracking on the people sort of thing...get the idea?

Now about those clips......

1)wait a sec make up ur mind now, dont take back wat u posted
2)do u think that u tell me to do somtin i will jump.. come on now get real.. read my post its a no win situation lol..

but to fullfill ur life long dream to hear me play .. i was gonna post some clips of my lil vox da5.. u will just have to check back everyday until i do.. look at it like waiting for a bday present..

but wat do i get ? is ur g/f attractive.. wait no ur not into girls lol..
wats in it for me ? :)

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Originally posted by grinch

1)wait a sec make up ur mind now, dont take back wat u posted

2)do u think that u tell me to do somtin i will jump.. come on now get real.. read my post its a no win situation lol..

but to fullfill ur life long dream to hear me play .. i was gonna post some clips of my lil vox da5.. u will just have to check back everyday until i do.. look at it like waiting for a bday present..

but wat do i get ? is ur g/f attractive.. wait no ur not into girls lol..

wats in it for me ?

:bor: :bor: :bor: It's like this...you either post clips of your playing and meet my challange to prove YOU are "better" than that dude with Mayer strat or you dont. The way I see it is you wont...because its a lose - lose situation for you. If you are worse than that guy then you have no cred with your posts and are just a bull{censored}ter. On the other hand if you are so much better then "mayer dude" then you come across as being a "dickhead" for cracking on the "little guys". It's your move:freak:

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Originally posted by Burningleaves

It's like this...you either post clips of your playing and meet my challange to prove YOU are "better" than that dude with Mayer strat or you dont. The way I see it is you wont...because its a lose - lose situation for you. If you are worse than that guy then you have no cred with your posts and are just a bull{censored}ter. On the other hand if you are so much better then "mayer dude" then you come across as being a "dickhead" for cracking on the "little guys". It's your move:freak:

so wait a sec .. u will be my judge ? ive spent 15 yrs of playing to have some nobody come along and dare me to post a clip.

U must think ur god or somtin dont ya .. do i care if u think i play well fuk no.. do i care about u fuk no .. do i enjoy that i have so gotten under ur skin that u have bowed down to actin like a 10 yr taunting me to prove somtin to *YOU* ? oh yes :)

Have u posted any clips that can prove that u have a right to post ur thoughts here .. should we get u to post clips?

Isnt it funny wat u say I have posted made me seem like a dick,U have just turned around n did the same thing! .. what we hate in others oh so do we hate in ourselves ..

will i fall for ur lil game no but looks like u fell for mine .. were all the same stop the saint bs.. and ill tell u wat next time u post adress the things i asked ya over n over lil man.. i have nuthin to prove an guess wat * the mayer dude still cant play* haha ..

rember adress wat i say in my posts to u :) n show me some clips ;).. we could do this all day lets see if u can prove ur right for free speech :thu:

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Originally posted by grinch

so wait a sec .. u will be my judge ? ive spent 15 yrs of playing to have some nobody come along and dare me to post a clip.

U must think ur god or somtin dont ya .. do i care if u think i play well fuk no.. do i care about u fuk no .. do i enjoy that i have so gotten under ur skin that u have bowed down to actin like a 10 yr taunting me to prove somtin to *YOU* ? oh yes

Have u posted any clips that can prove that u have a right to post ur thoughts here .. should we get u to post clips?

Isnt it funny wat u say I have posted made me seem like a dick,U have just turned around n did the same thing! .. what we hate in others oh so do we hate in ourselves ..

will i fall for ur lil game no but looks like u fell for mine .. were all the same stop the saint bs.. and ill tell u wat next time u post adress the things i asked ya over n over lil man.. i have nuthin to prove an guess wat * the mayer dude still cant play* haha ..

rember adress wat i say in my posts to u
n show me some clips
.. we could do this all day lets see if u can prove ur right for free speech

:bor: :bor: :bor: :bor:..........more trash talk and no clip.:bor:

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Originally posted by Burningleaves

:bor:..........more trash talk and no clip.

but where o where r urs 478 posts and not 1 clip aww.. dont u know how to read? or do u want to rest ur eyes so u can read those john mayer lyrics ?

POST UR OWN CLIPS OR STFU and btw u never defend alll the unkind things i say about u lol ... must b true ;)






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sloppy playing. stop trying to show off, it's not working. if your goign to showcase a signature guitar, at least have some {censored}ign idea to what you are doing. you make that guitar sound like {censored}.

john mayer says: WTF DID YOU JUST DO TO MY SALES


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Originally posted by grinch

but where o where r urs 478 posts and not 1 clip aww.. dont u know how to read? or do u want to rest ur eyes so u can read those john mayer lyrics ?

POST UR OWN CLIPS OR STFU and btw u never defend alll the unkind things i say about u lol ... must b true






:bor: same old trash....I am getting the feeling that you arent going to post any clips. No clips = the verdict is still out on if you are in fact a "bull{censored}ter" or a "dickhead". Cant close the case without your clips. All I can do is make an educated guess in regards to the "value" and "validity" of all further posts you make about peoples playing ability as well as your own.:wave:

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I will admit right up front the dude in the video is probably better then me...so {censored}ing what. I am with Burningleaves, lets see a video of you and your greatness. Not just a sound clip, but a video of your highness. Oh wait, what am I thinking? That will NEVER happen. Why? Because YOU will be the one acing like a 10 yr old with silly little comebacks and excuses as to why you should not do it. You are just like the kid on the play ground who talked all the {censored} until they got challenged and then either got the {censored} kicked out of them right then and there or slunk away crying. Burningleaves issued you a challenge, either meet the challenge or stfu....period. BTW go ahead and challenge me grinchboy on anything you want. I'll post a video, everyone needs a good laugh now and again! :D

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Originally posted by grinch

but where o where r urs 478 posts and not 1 clip aww.. dont u know how to read? or do u want to rest ur eyes so u can read those john mayer lyrics ?

POST UR OWN CLIPS OR STFU and btw u never defend alll the unkind things i say about u lol ... must b true






I've just read through this thread, and you sir seem like an absolute ass.

You type like a 12 yr old on MSN. Hope your playing's better than your english skills or your attitude.

Seriously, the whole "you're gay so stfu!!!!!!112121211221" remarks make you seem like a retard.

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