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what do you guys think of deal hardtails.... ya know the 2000 dollar ones?


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I have never played the USA hardtails, but the Korean ones were pretty...but that was about it. They were actually my main source of GAS till I tried one out. Very thin sounding. Not rich, or full of harmonics. I tried a vendetta, and that was very nice tho. Of course, I could only find one hardtail around here, so I may have just gotten a bad one.

In any case, MAKE SURE to play one before you buy, even a korean one.

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I have a usa hardtail and it's a great guitar. I also have a Hardtail Select that plays just as nicely (had to replace the pups, the stock ones were thin.)
My USA HT came with a JB in the bridge and a PearlyGate in the neck. Sweet axe.
Again, as others have said, make sure you can try it before you buy it. All brands sneak out some stinkers.


*EDIT* See it's an Ebay guitar. I'll have to say they don't have the best resale out there. The USA ones are generally super axes, although as I said earlier - every company has a few clunkers sneak through. $1250 is an average Ebay price, not the lowest I have seen them go for - but not a high price either.

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