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Info on Blackmachine guitars please.


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I checked out the website last night, but there is no info on prices. I assume if I have to ask it`s probably too much. :cry:


I sent Doug an email, but he hasn`t responded yet. I guess he`s a busy man. I also checked out the very limited HC user reviews which of course were fantastic. I saw the prices for the B2 listed at 1500 GBP which converts out to over $2,800 US. Is that correct? Wow :eek:


Does anyone have any info or hands on with any of Doug`s guitars?





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A blackmachine B7 is my absolute dream guitar at the moment. If i get a job soon and can get a little cash, ill sell my BC Rich so i can get one. They not only look badass but they have the best unplugged sound of any electric i can recall playing. Everything resonates just beautifully. I think youll be hard pressed to find another guitar that sounds as good as one of these. The necks are all really comfy and they play like butter.

Im afraid those prices are pretty spot on. A B2 is around 1500, a B7 is around 1700 and the 8string model, which is badass by the way, is 2000. Usually when you play a 7string, it feels like someone designed a 6string and then just widened the fingerboard, but his just feel so tight and awsome.

Im afraid youre just gonna have to bite the bullet on the conversion to dollars if you want one. 1500 for a guitar of that quality is entirely reasonable, especially since over here, a USA Soloist would cost around that much.

Ive emailed doug in the past and eventually got a reply, but i emailed him a few weeks ago asking for a quote and a few other specific questions and he never got back to me. I think its best to phone him if you want a response, even though thats not too easy from the states.


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