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Need a new electric for around 400-750


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I'm looking for something from 400 to 750 USD, a sollidbody probably. I play jazz, blues and rock (plus blues-rock, but I figure that's covered by the other 2), and I never play metal. Any suggestions would be good.

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My USA G&L Legacy (Strat, somewhat modernized) excels at everything except for metal. I've been playing a lot of bluesy rock with it and it sounds great. It is a very responsive guitar. If you want to go new they're out of the picture, but you can definately get a used one for under $750 no prob. The ASATs (Tele) are nice too and they make some semi-hollows.

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Godins are reputed to have good electronics. About the Edwards guitars, I could get a Gibson Marauder for 470, why pay 680 for a copy? I'm not trying to ridicule, I'm just wondering why an Edwards. Thanks, though. I like Japanese guitars, their as nice as most US guitars I've tried.

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Mercer: If you happen to come across a Tradition MTP-350 (PRS style), play it. If you like it let me know, I might be selling mine and I'd let her go for around $200 probably. Although I would be taking out me PUs, but then you'd be able to get your own set suitable for your style of music. A total of $300 max.


I've also got a Ibanez Roadstar model 335, which is an old 80s answer to the Strat. It has a wicked, really fat single coil in the neck and a bucker in the bridge that falls between a PAF and a Super Distortion. It's a great little guitar that's fairly versatile. Great neck too. The trem set as floating stays in perfect tune - though I do not have/use a trem bar. I've got a tube amp, but I've read that the pickups sound amazing through a solid state - 80s design? Might want to keep an eye on eBay for one, they pop up every month or so. They don't go for more than $300, tops.


You could also get yourself a Les Paul, if I'm correct they were originally designed for jazz - pop a p90 in the neck and you're set.

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Originally posted by Mercer

ooooooooooh. . .

Maaaaaaaaan. . .

I think that could work. . . for blues at least! How much are these? New they're 850.

It's the most versatile guitar I've ever played. The "Blues 90s" plus Varitone do everything from almost-strat to almost-LP.



^there's a BIN for $750


The only reason I don't have one is that I decided to buy my wife a student guitar (read: $400 Alvarez acoustic) at the same time as my last electric. Don't make the same mistake.


More info:



"I really dig the Blueshawk. It

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Originally posted by Mercer

How 'bout a Nighthawk? How are those? The 2 pickup ones are a spot cheaper.

I've not played one of those, but if I'm not mistaken, they lack a varitone, from which a good many of the Blueshawk's 18 (you read that right) pickup combinations are derived.

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Ibanez Artist



new ones are a bit compromised on quality, but still are VERY solid buys - they range anywhere from 400 - 700 new, and they have good electronics for the price.


check em out, seriously...they're a step up from the artcore line.

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