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Where to put leveling amplifier (stereo compressor) in chain?

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Where do you have the stereo compressor in your chain?


I bought an FMR RNLA (Really Nice Leveling Amplifier).

I intend to use it as a mix-down stereo compressor.


I have a mono JoeMeek pre-amp/compressor that I like a lot for guitars & VX.

My mixer is a Yamaha 16/6 FX.


I am trying to figure out where to put the RNLA in the chain.

I need to monitor the compressed signal.


I have heard about the principle "compress first". But it makes no sense here.

I have several different sound sources. If I compress first, I'd have to keep

unplugging & plugging different devices to the RNLA.


So it looks to me like I have to either compress last & chain the RNLA

device as the final step before the computer - OR I have to use it as an AUX



My choices are:


1. RNLA after main OUTPUT on mixer.


Pro - it makes sense & it's not complicated.


Con - I can't monitor that signal except through the computer playback.


2. Assign RNLA into 1 of 2 group outputs on mixer.


Pro - I can monitor compressed signal. Con - It complicates the set-up and I'll

probably forget to push a group button on one channel or another.




3. Assign it as AUX 2.


Pro - the % of leveling can be adjusted on each channel of the mixer.

Con - I'm not sure exactly how to dial in the right setting on the RNLA, if

every channel is getting a different % of leveling.




Right now, I'm leaning toward using it as Aux 2. It makes sense. But I haven't even begun

to figure out where to position the dials on the RNLA if every channel is getting a different

amount of compression.

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