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should I swap to f-spaced pu?


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a few years ago I sent my guitar to a store to replace the stock pickups with a set of Evo's. I was a bit ignorant (I guess I still am but not as much, I hope) and only recently I found out, or at least am almost sure, that the bridge pu doesn't match my guitar string spacing. The pu poles are more close to each other than the strings. The guitar has a FR type bridge and I guess it should have been a f-spaced version of the pick.

Since it's a high output pu, would I notice any diference if it had the right pu?

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Much of the difference is visual aesthetic. I don't think you would hear a difference.


A pickups magnet field is not 6 little fields coming off of the pole pieces, but the pole pieces and coils create one long football shaped one that runs parallel to the pickup top.


Most people don't notice a difference in tone or output, but *in theory* you would get better output balance from string to string. But since most of the classic guitars, from Fender to Gibson all had to compromise on pole spacing from neck to bridge, it has not seemed to ever matter.


If you had to buy had either way, I would say buy the F-spaced, but I would not spend the money if you already have the PU. Plus, a none F-spaced PU can be swapped in either position in any guitar in the future.

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I wouldn't change it. I played for years with a floyd and a non f-spaced pup. i think it was a Schecter Rock Monster. It didn't make any difference at all. Wish i still had that pup. It was great but I was too stupid to know better. I "upgraded" to a SD Distortion to get that EVH tone. Yeah, I was going to get that playing through a 10W Peavey Decade in my bedroom. I was an ass! :freak:

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