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Ibanez AXS


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Anyone has got an Ibanez AXS32 or 42? How are they? My idea about Ibanez is that they make very good quality guitars, but why are these guitars so cheap?

Any soundclips or pictures are very welcome.

I did search the HC database, but couldn't find anything about the axs42.

On the 32, most complaints are about pickups, so to those of you owning one what pickups you installed?


If I would buy one, it would be to replace my Epi LP, so how do they compare to the Epi's?


I'm still condsidering a real LP, a Tele '52RI or a Tele '72RI thinline, but I'm still waiting for these to show up in second hand stores here.

Heck, I should buy all of these 4 guitars!

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I like mine for the most part. I think the pickups are actually pretty decent. Overall it's very well put together with no finish flaws at all. The only problem I have is the balance when on a strap. The neck drops a bit which I find annoying, but it's still in now way as neck heavy as various SG's I've tried.

I like the neck on it. I don't know anything about c/v/u neck profiles and all that so all I can say is that it's a little less chunky than the neck on my Tokai Love Rock.

I picked it up for half the new cost from a shop that was closing down and I think it's probably the best guitar I've tried out of things in it's price range.

If you want any more specific info then I'll do my best to be of help.

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