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NDD! These are fun.


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just picked up a used set of Yamaha DTXpress digital drums for $260 from a guy through local Craig's List. This is the original version and one of the cymbals is bad, but I checked on e-bay and the pads go for about $30 so for $330 total I feel like I have a great deal. I just had to pick up a cheap bass drum pedal ($40) for the bass trigger. These originally cost $1,000 new. They sound real through headphones. I'm going to crank them through a stereo and hear the real experience. They have tons of percussion instruments built in and songs that you can clicktrack to practice to. I get tired of having to program stuff on the computer all the time for recording and it's really hard to get loops to replicate what the songs in your head really sound like, so these are going to be perfect for recording songs. I started out as a drummer at age 10 and am amazed that after not playing for 20 years that I can still hold my own after working with these for about 1-1/2 hours. Let the fun begin.


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Good Score!

I've thought about getting one of those. I had a nice set of Yamaha Stage Custom drums, but had to sell them when I moved. A DD set would take up less space, so I think about getting a set.

But looks like $700+ is about what it would take to score a set like your unless I found one used.

I'm also thinking about possible a Roland pad and adding some foot triggers.

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Man, the guy who sold you that for $260 must have been going through some serious drug withdrawal. He could have easily got $500 for it.

Hehe, I first noticed he had em' listed for $300 and thought the same thing. just turned out to be a young college student who needed money. He has a nice set of Pearls, so he's not hurting for something to play. And yeah, I definitely could turn these for a couple of bucks on e-bay if I didn't want to keep them.:thu:

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