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So, I've got a night off...


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A quiet night...I'm not gigging...getting ready for a session, or anything. Just sitting home alone. Time for some TV viewing. And...


Like the commercial:


"What's that wind?"


"Oh, that's our TV. It sucks".


TV tonight has sucked big monkey gonads.


With one 60 minute exception. CMT's "Crossroads", featured Heart and Wynonna. That was a completely riveting performance...phenomenal, in fact!


But, outside of that 60 minute window...it's been "Suck City". They must be saving all the good shows for tomorrow night when I'm working.

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Nope, it's not just a Monday thing: aside from a couple of diamonds in the rough, TV sux hole big time. Of course, for as much time as I sit in front of it, you'd say I'd thought otherwise... ;)


But, most of my TV time is spent watching shows like Mythbusters, music history, ancient history, and of course - Simpsons reruns (100% repeat watchability). Other than that, it's "reality" (and I use that term very loosely) crap, or predictable sit-com crap, or motorcycle build-off crap, or spin-off crime drama crap. You're not missing anything terribly special when you work nights, trust me.




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heh heh. TIVO. I hate the monthly fee, like I need to send another check to someone each month. But, it is worth it considering the current state of TV. I almost never watch live TV unless it is the news or a ballgame. I just keep a few things on my TIVO list to automically record. Iron Chef America, Samantha Brown in Europe, Rachael Ray on $40 a day, 2 1/2 men, Stargate Atlantas, some show on rebuilding old cars and another on National Parks. I'm so used to calling up shows at will and zooming through commercials that I cannot go back. Even when I find something live that I want to watch I end up hitting the record butting and doing something else for a while, then I come back and watch it at my on speed. Oh, and when I do watch live TV I find that the pause feature is great on TIVO. I can go to the bathroom or kitchen, then catch up by FF through commercials.



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Seems like no matter how many channels you have .. there's still nothing to watch.


But my wife and I usually catch "Sex In The City." Tue-Wend PM.


I'd rather go outside on a clear night, look up in the sky and really watch a movie on the Big Screen.


What's the big planet out now Saturn ???




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I think the only TV show I actually consciously watch is Family Guy. Simpsons if I catch it, but I always seem to miss it. Then again, I don't have cable, which means I only get 3 channels. But on the rare occasion that I find myself in a house with cable, I'm pretty much glued to the Discovery Channel and Animal Planet, and Adult Swim on Cartoon Network.


Give me geekiness and twisted humour, or just give me my ipod. :p

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Well, yeah, I agree. I don't watch a lot of TV. I mean, I'm too busy posti...er....doing other, more important things, y'know...yeah, that's it.


But, once in a great while I'm in the mood to veg in front of the tube, and on those rare occasions, there's nothing on. Then I see all these ads for shows I want to watch, but they're on the nights when I'm working. :mad:

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"I got thirteen channels of {censored} on the TV to choose from"


I like the Daily Show.

Adult Swim usually has something on that I'll enjoy.


One of the CSPAN channels. When it's good, it's very interesting. When it's not so good, I take a nap.


That's about all I really watch. The internet is far more engaging than TV. And of course, I enjoy getting out and taking long walks at all hours.


My wife digs Lost. Actually, she just got the first season on DVD, so it's all that's been on lately. I've never really watched it, but it seems cool. She's a fanatic about it.


She also likes Crossing Jordan. Which I've never watched. And also Oz, but we dumped HBO so she just watches the DVD's now.


I agree, with all of the channels on, there really is less to watch. Doesn't really make sense, but that's how it is.

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Sorry, I find this a bit of a daft complaint. We get 5 channels terrestrial TV here, about 60(??) channels if you have cable, X amount on freeview. I imagine you guys get a hell of a lot more. All of them trying to cater to as wide a range of tastes as possible, of course most of it will not appeal to any one individual. That's what video's & TiVo are/is for!


But yeah, it is guaranteed that as soon as you sit down to watch something, what you want has just finished :D


Lost is cool, we're only about 6 episodes into the first series over here. I prefer the US format of 22/24 episode seasons to the UK 6 episodes whenever they feel like making them :confused: Except for Doctor Who, but even that is only 12 episodes per series...


What else is recommended?? I like cheesy sci-fi and fantasy, I hear the new Battlestar Galactica is pretty good but haven't seen it yet?? Missed the last series of 24 as well :(

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Yeah, it finished a few months back, has it not been shown over there yet??


Give it a go, I thought it was excellent, even without the wobbly sets and cliffhanger endings (tho you do still get a couple of them). Even Billy (novelty teenypop star cast as the assistant) wasn't too bad...!


Bring on the next series... with the return of the CYBERMEN!!!!


cyberMEN.jpg:eek: :eek: :eek:

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