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Internship Opportunity - Cleveland, OH


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Hey Guys,

I know this is slightly OT, but I figured it might still be of some interest to you.

Rust Records, an Imprint of Universal Records, based in Cleveland, OH is currently looking for interns in the following departments:



and someone with interests in Music Business/Management/and Booking.


These are all unpaid positions, but over 50% of our interns end up finding their way into a paid position within the company at the end of their term. This is a great way to get involved in the Label world from the ground up without moving to LA or NY.


If you are interested please find our information on www.rustrecords.com, call the office and ask for Keith. I'm trying to reach out to people who are really into music, rather than your run of the mill business interns that the schools keep providing us with.

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I couldn't agree more. I've NEVER done an Internship. However, I had some incredible luck right off the bat in Los Angeles, but it was a PAID position.


I'm in Nashville now and there's far more Interns in Nashville, than there ever was in LA. I think it's great for a person that needs to Intern to do it outside a major market.


For the first 10 yrs of my career ... Interns were my competition and were beating me out of gigs in major markets. That's just not right, what good does that do our industry. Out of everyone I went to Audio Engineering School with, I am the ONLY one who is still making a living at it.


Someone early on taught me two ways to suceed in the Music Business ;)




You know who you are .. thanks :p

I learned to be the later of the two.


Not to sound too hard about it .. I LOVE to help people and do it very often right here.



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This thread has me thinking...


My day gig is an engineering manager for very large company (hint: we are the number 1 exporter in the US). Anyway, my department hires interns every summer and I go through the process every year of looking at hundreds of applicants (college juniors going into their senior year) to fill a couple of intern slots. The competition is stiff. I'm sure many of the students would work for free just to get the experience and the ability to add the internship to their resume. My company could take advantage of the situation but chooses not to. We pay the interns a fair wage (not market, but fair) and help with housing etc. I guess the point is that we (the staff and management) respect the interns and treat them well, and in turn, the interns respect the positions we put them in and most work their tails off. Its a fair trade...


I'm not sure that when you ask someone to intern for free you are doing the right thing for you or them. Instead of an employee, an intern becomes "the free intern" (expendable and about as useful as a five year old) and respect from both sides is lowered. In addition, I think you probably get a warped sense of what that person will be like as an employee because the staff doesn't respect "the free intern" and the intern may care less because they aren't getting paid.


I know the music and media industries have a long history of free internships, I'm just not sure its the healthiest way to operate a business. I guess its good that it hasn't evolved into a "pay to play" situation.

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Unfortunately, the Internships in the Music Business are more like Slave Labor. They won't be allowed to touch the equipment and the Studios have no intention of ever paying or promoting them ... Studios thrive off using these people until they've had enough and quit, then they just bring a couple more fresh ones through the door.


Hopefully it's not that way outside of the major markets.


I'm at the biggest Studio in town today .. I think I'll do something really nice for an Intern today, just to get in a better mood about it :p



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These are all unpaid positions, but over 50% of our interns end up finding their way into a paid position within the company at the end of their term. This is a great way to get involved in the Label world from the ground up without moving to LA or NY.



I hear what everyone is saying about interns. Yet I cannot tell you how many gigs I've done "on spec" for free (and still do), even for major companies. They've let me get my foot in the door and believe me, once my foot is in the door...


I guess I subscribe to the drug dealer ethos: "First one's free, kiddies." Then once they're hooked, they realize I'm worth what I charge.

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Do you think there is a differance for a company, . and or established sound professionial who does a "free" job for a client , and an "employee" that is not getting paid.


I sure do. You could make a good agreement agenst me, but really teh way I look at it is that if you hire someone to work for free, you are messing up teh industry, cause then you gfet stuff done that you are not charging for, and for a lower then fair market price.




Would you say that it is okay to hire a illegial imagrant and pay him 1.50$ per hour to do the slaves... err sorry... interns job. NO! that is in insult and yet, no issues with pay the intern nothing.


For me it is one thing for a company to do a "loss leader" type del to generat bussiness. It is how ever another for them to use unpaid positions to cover expences.


The words are not comeing out on paper as well as they are sitting in my head, . so I will stop while I am only slightly behind.



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