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how often do you practice


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long way for me to go then huh

You want a shortcut? OK, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, one of the things most of us old dudes know but won't always share with you youngsters...

Your ready for this? Are you sitting down? OK....

Learn to sing.

Good singers will go much farther than all but your very best guitar players. So unless you think you're going to be the next Jeff Beck I would strongly encourage you to start singing now. Even if you can't stand the sound of your own voice, can't sing in tune you can and will get better.

So as you're working on your guitar skill don't neglect your vocal chords. You will get a lot more steady work if you're a compitant guitar player that can help with the backing vox and if you get to where you can sing lead on a song or two then you are aces!

Start singing now. It will payoff.

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Jeez...am I the only one here who is actually addicted to their guitar? I swear...I can't go a single day without playing. I have to play every day. Whether that means practicing for 10 minutes, or writing songs for 10 hours, I have to play every single day. And, since I began playing guitar, I haven't missed a single day yet.

As for having a set practice, I don't have one. And, honestly, I don't want one. I'll play what I feel like playing. Some days that means noodling around with scales, other days that means playing with weird chords, and some days it just means learning a song that caught my ear. I get practice time in every day, although I don't have a schedule like many of you do.

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You want a shortcut? OK, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, one of the things most of us old dudes know but won't always share with you youngsters...

Your ready for this? Are you sitting down? OK....

Learn to sing.

Good singers will go much farther than all but your very best guitar players. So unless you think you're going to be the next Jeff Beck I would strongly encourage you to start singing now. Even if you can't stand the sound of your own voice, can't sing in tune you can and will get better.

So as you're working on your guitar skill don't neglect your vocal chords. You will get a lot more steady work if you're a compitant guitar player that can help with the backing vox and if you get to where you can sing lead on a song or two then you are aces!

Start singing now. It will payoff.


Good advice...worked for Springsteen.

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My audience doesn't notice. Mind you it's a pretty small audience but I've gone on bandstands, just stunk up the joint and have had audience members praise me like I wa the 2nd coming.

I've become pretty convinced it has more to do with how hard you're trying than how well you're actually playing. Other words if I'm giving everything I've got they seem to know it and will tolerate a few stumbles. OTOH playing it perfectly doesn't seem to thrill them as much if they sense I'm holding back. They can tell the difference.

I'm not sure I'd enjoy standing up to the kind of scrutiny you seem to be subject to.

{censored}in'-A Bubba!

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