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Looking at purchasing a hollow body.


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I'm in the market for a semi-cheap good Hollow Body guitar. I plan on changing the bridge pickup either way so pickups aren't that big of a factor. I play lots of different styles so I need something versatile. I play stuff like Saves the Day, Ryan Adams, Death Cab, etc. I'm only looking to spend $500 max as I don't really "NEED" the guitar yet I have been wanting a hollow body for a pretty good while. I've been looking at Epiphone, Agile, and Ibanez Artcores. I am not limited to these brands but they seem to be pretty descent. I want something that looks pretty nice (i'm a fan of the classic vintage look of sunburst and light wood colors). My main concern is playability. I want something that can be professionally set up and play very well (nice action..etc).



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Ibanez AK85 has a lot of interesting features. The top is spruce. Laminate but only 2 ply so it has a nice acoustic tone. Most hollow bodies are maple 3 ply and not very resonant. It also has a wood bridge which is a nice feature. The pickups aren't fantastic but a swap does wonders. Something like a SD Seth Lover set is nice.

Sharp cutaways are more difficult to find in hollow bodies in this price range too.





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those are some beautiful guitars! thanks so much for the help thus far. i dont think i really want the tremolo thought. i like the looks of the epiphone dot/es-335. if you guys would please keep suggesting some options that would be awesome. thanks!!

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I recently bought a 81 yamaha sa-2000....it is killer.I paid $600 + shipping.It had a neck repair so most folks shyed away.I am amazed at the quality.Another model to check out is an older Ibanez as-200,there is one on the bay now. Good luck!!! :idea:

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well... if you liked the dot's look, obviously first try it, if you dont like it... I would recommend to earn some $100 more and get a Sheraton (that is pretty similar to the Dot, only that it has better quality, sounds richer and in my opinion its beawtifull) or the Casino.

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It never ceases to amaze me. How can you already decide you're changing pickups on a guitar you haven't even picked out yet, much less played?? That boutique bridge pickup that sounds great in your Tele might sound like two cows copulating in your hollow body.

Why not buy the guitar first, play it a while, then decide whether to make modifications... :idea:

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i have a duncan jb around from an old guitar and i love that pickup. i was just trying to imply pickups weren't something to consider. i mainly want something that has really nice action and plays very well. as of right now im liking the epiphone dot, epiphone sheraton (archtop...cheaper one) and that shecter is pretty nice looking. i use to hear alot about the artcores when i was lurking the boards. so those are ideas of the type of guitar i want. feel free to continue commenting. i want the most bang for the buck. id like to spend $400 but $500 is my max. you guys have been so great thus far!

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I know it's over your price range but the Reverend Manta looks interesting.

I don't know what they run because I got mine through an endorsement deal but the Samick Greg Bennett Royales are very nice as well. I think they are in your price range.


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