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GC Test Drives: Orange, Ovation VXT, Gibson, Epiphone


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Spent about 1.5 hours at GC today, tested a bunch of stuff:


Ovation VXT: hybrid electric/acoustic. Disappointed a bit in this, partially the guitar, partially the set up they had. The guitar is beautiful, well crafted, very comfy. Top notch in that department. Playing through a Peavey Valveking combo, it sounded really thin. Couldn't really good a really beefy tone, even on the neck pup. The acoustic amp they had wasn't really working, so I couldn't test that two well. I'll give it another run later.


Epiphone: I wanted to test an LP Standard and the Ultra side by side. Played through a Marshall TSL60 combo. Actually, my daughter brought up a Zak Wylde epi first. Sounded ok (EMG HZ pups), nothing to write home about. Then the Ultra -- blew the tone of the ZW away! Great neck on those things. Then the standard, pretty nice! Especially for $399.


Orange: Rockerverb 100 half stack: Tested with a Gibson Les Paul Classic Gold Top! Man, this is the tone I've been dying for, perfect combination of heaviness and clarity. Really hit that stoner rock tone perfectly. If money were no object, I'd have this as my rig!


Played some basses and tried a Fender DeVille, which did nothing for me.

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I love my Orange AD15. Tonewise, it's halfway between a Vox and a Marshall with some great clean chimey sounds and a gritty OD. Exceptionally well made with top shelf components. The Rocketverb stack would be on my short list if I needed something that big and loud. Does it have a 1/2 power switch?

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I'd agree with you Frets, the neck was really flat and the bridge thin -- better way to describe it. Felt like a toy for a studio more than a useful everyday or gigging guitar.


My local GC occassionaly has new Orange amps and they almost always have used ones. The one I played today was used.


The other nice thing I played today was a Takamene Acoustic Bass, wow that thing was sweet. Better than the Fender, Michael Kelly and Deans they had.

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