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ESP strats - advice please


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Does anyone here have any experience of ESP strats from the '80s - I've been told they're great and are comparable to tokais but I don't know? Are they actually any good? Necks, pickups, etc. Also, how much would you pay for one in mint condition? I'm only asking, cos there are a couple in a store near me and I can't find any info on the web and don't want to be ripped off.

Are there any user groups or esp forums that would be able to help me out in my search for info?

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I had an ESP Vintage Plus (OFR floyd and H/S/S) that was just godly. Perfect finish and detail work, excellent fretwork and just an extremely well-built guitar.

Didn't really get on with the Floyd (it worked fine, just not my speed) and eventually got ~$650 for it on Ebay.

Worth every cent, IMHO. It was certainly the best built production 'strat' I've ever seen.


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