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'07 Highway 1 vs '07 American Strat

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It's at long last going to be new strat day for me some time within the next couple of weeks. Yay! :D


I'm looking at the American and the Highway 1 and I'm wondering what the differences are other than the pickups. I'm thinking if that's the most noticeable thing I might as well go for the hwy 1 since the headstock doesn't bother me and the $250 savings could fetch a pretty nice set of replacement pups.


I know the bridge is different, and I know the hwy 1 has a satin finish (which I also don't mind), so:


1. Is the bridge on the American noticeably better than the one on the hwy 1 in your opinion, and


2. Is there anything else about the build quality that stands out? Tighter neck pocket, better feel on the neck, better resonance, all that little stuff.




And yeah, I plan to "try before I buy." I'm mostly just trying to pass some GAS here while I wait. ;)

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The bridge is better on the HWY-1 than the American Series! I think you have it backwards. The HWY-1 from 06 back had a Zinc Vintage style bridge. BUT...thats one of the Major upgrades to a Steel Block Vintage style bridge. The AS 2-point is OK and works well. Its also possible to swap it out for a Steel Block 2-point like they use on their CS guitar's and the Classic Player 60. The necks are the same EXCEPT the American Series has a BETTER Truss-Rod set-up. Its a Dual Truss-Rod system where the HWY-s has the single. The FINISH is HWY-1=LAQUER, and the American Series=POLY. The Laquer is a finish that will allow the wood the Breath better. So in esssence be a more resonate guitar? Thats the thinking. IMO I agree and prefer the Laquer. The Necks also kave JUMBO frets now as opposed to the M-J on the AS Fender. Try them and make sure you like them. They will wear better for sure.

Aside from that I prefer the electronics on the HWY-1 also. Its the Greasbucket circuit that with out a doubt sounds GREAT with the Tone rolled back. Like day and night next to a Amer. Ser. Also I never been fond of the Delta Tone system. I prefer the CTS pots with a Switchcraft switch wired with the extra caps for the greasebucket...simple basic.

So there are a LOT of little things that you have to think about. To be HONEST with you. IMO instead of either........I would search E-bat for a used 50th Anniversary Strat. or go with a CP-60. Man....that 2004 50th was a Great Year and model American Series. Only one I like. The QC and Tone on mine equals Fender CS. I did the wiring over and changed the bridge pot[500k blender] and switch. But its all stock beside that. Anyway both are nice I just like the HWY-1 a little better. I bought a Classic Player 60 over both the above mentioned Strats? Hell I took a MIM over a MIA. But its an exceptional Strat. Its a matter of choice. The MIA sells better and smaller stores that arte lic. Fender dealers. Carry the American Series over the other two HWY-1 and CP-60....Sam Ash won't stock the Classic Player series. So as I said it a matter of opinion.

I think I caught most of the change's on the HWY-1 vs AS. I might have missed something? Someone will chime in!

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No, I think you got most of it.


Vintage vs Jumbo frets: I own and have played both and TBH it's not a big deal to me.


Trem: I'd forgotten about the steel block upgrade on the hwy 1, so that settles that... I'm a little more comfortable with a vintage- style anyway.


Crazy tone circuits: don't know the first thing about them. The last strat I owned was a mid- 90s model. :D


Truss rod differences: THAT'S the kind of detail I was after, I didn't know that at all. Interesting.


"Classic" series strats: My local mom and pop stocks pretty much all of the high- end MIM Fenders with the exception of the sig models which are spottier. Makes no sense not to, $500 - $700 seems like a prime price point for moving guitars to me. Highways are a little harder to come by, but there's another small shop in town that's got a Daphne Blue one in... that would probably be the one I'd get if I went that route.




I dunno man, the Highway 1 is looking awfully tempting so far...

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