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So I just bought an Epiphone Dot... NGD!!


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Happy NGD!! Actually I was wondering what was taking you so long to get a dot. :D Everybody says that they are great. I'm anxious to hear clips with the stock pups and with new ones. That'll help me decide what to do with my Alleykat.

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Happy NGD!! Actually I was wondering what was taking you so long to get a dot.
Everybody says that they are great. I'm anxious to hear clips with the stock pups and with new ones. That'll help me decide what to do with my Alleykat.

I'm going to put up a clip of it through my Marshall DSL 100 soon. With the stock pickups of course.

It'll probably be a while before I put new pickups in due to financial limitations... But a little bit ago I A/Bd the guitar with one of my 57 Classic equipped Les Pauls.

The stock Epiphone Dot pickups sound thin and plinky compared to the 57 Classics. And they aren't as articulate. The 57s have a lot more body to 'em.. a nice singing vowel-y tone compared to the stock Epis.

But cranked through my Marshall.... it still ROCKS!! :thu:


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Now you'll get semi-hollow GAS and before you know it you'll have seven of those too!!

The 57 Classics will sound good in it but think about Duncan Seth Lovers. You heard it here first.



Pete's on the money with the Seth Lovers. I put em' on my Agile AS-820 and could not be happier. The gold covers even fit on them perfectly (I bought a used set with no covers). They don't squeal at all either, unless you're right in front of the cab with the gain maxed out. I think the SL's were truly meant for 335's.

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Bought a black Dot from MF a few years ago, but it was {censored}ed up so I sent it back. It was a beautiful guitar, and I still miss it whenever I see one. Would never buy another sight unseen, but wish it had been a keeper. :cry:

And yes, those black speed knobs are a huge improvement over the stock tophats.

Congrats :thu:
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I just remembered I have a set of GFS Crunchy PAFs I'm not using so I'm gonna try putting those in.

They should be a significant improvement over the stock Epi pickups.

I'll make a before and after clip.

This is gonna be cool!! :thu:


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Dude!! Good go on the knob switch out. Really sets it up. Black guitars always look good. Especially when theys all shine d'up!!

Thanks! I think it looks much nicer with the black speed knobs. I like the amber tophat knobs on LP Standards and LP Goldtops..... but not on a black 335 style guitar.

The black speed knobs help give it that UPTOWN look! :thu:


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congrats. I was thinking about getting one myself, but havn't decided between the Sheraton II or the Dot.

The Dot I have plays excellent.... but the Sheratons I've tried play even nicer! The neck is a little chunky-er yet more luxurious feeling.

Damn nice guitars!! :thu:


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