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Karma finally strikes NGD: Samick FA2 Formula


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This morning I gave my Baja Strat Copy to my cousin's 13 year old son who is dying to learn to play, but can't afford to buy a used guitar, let alone a new one. On the way home, for grins I stopped at Music Maniacs and found a brand new, transparent blue Samick F2 Tele Copy with a mint green pick guard and cream binding for $237.00 on sale. The photo's I'm posting do not do this guit-fiddle justice. The blue is a very deep, almost black that under intense light shows a flamed top. Just a beautiful instrument. Hardly even hesitated on this one. Sometimes good deeds do go unpunished!!!

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They're fun. Horribly blurry pic. This is the only green one I've ever even seen. They only listed blue and red in any info I've ever seen.



Never seen a green one, or the red for that matter. I actually thought it was black until I got it into better light. The shop that I take lessons at sent me to their other shop because I asked about picking up a tele. I went to buy the low end one (normally about $140), but they had this one marked way down and a good guy discount to boot to clear it out. Definitely worth the extra 100 bones.

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