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GAS....do I REALLY need this??


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If you're Jonesing for one, get it. It doesn't matter if you NEED it. Just get it and be satisfied until the next one comes along.

Do any of us really need more than one guitar? Why fight it.

well the answer to your question is yes for a lot of us...some songs we want SCs, some we want 'buckers...

In any case, you need to buy that guitar to relieve GAS buildup...otherwise you could explode, see...

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If you're Jonesing for one, get it. It doesn't matter if you NEED it. Just get it and be satisfied until the next one comes along.

Do any of us really need more than one guitar? Why fight it.

Exactly, what does need have to do with it.
If you've been jonesing for it for a while, you might as well give in because it will hound you to hell if you don't. I've been doing that with one guitar. Been wanting it for a looooong time, but always some other deal came along on something else, and still that one was waiting.
I finally gave in this week, just won it tonite on ebay.

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