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Gibson Les Paul Studio VM New Clip -- Not for Everybody


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I play heavy doom/stoner rock influenced music, so this isn't some nice little ditty or sweet blues number. I made a new clip for my singer to work on some lyric writing and and one version with no cheapo drum machine so our drummer could work on some drum parts outside of rehearsal. Just rhythm, all riffs. Bedroom level Marshall DSL halfstack on Super Lead Channel 1 (less gain) with gain about 6 being pushed by a fuzz pedal with a Boss EQ with a slight frown going. mids and treble way up, bass on around 4. Mic about a foot back, volume on maybe 1.5. Most tracks are doubled to thicken it up a bit. Sloppy playing, late at night and I was tired but needed to get it done. Obviously at this volume, I don't have major tube saturation going.


Doom Song 1 New Recording (second on the list with drums and of course the one without drums)..



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Slight boost with a DOD Flashback Fuzz, I've tried other fuzz, distortion and OD pedals and that is the only one that I like. Doesn't color the tone too much and just adds some complexity to the breakup.


Those are the stock Burstbucker Pros. The entire setup really sounds like its on fire at rehearsal volume. That is 1am and the kid asleep volume.


We threw some bass on there last night. Since we can only rehearse every week or two, our songs have to be super simple, just don't have time to get overly complex. This isn't my favorite one, we have some that are really going to be pretty slick when done. I just need to sit down and record them.

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