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Ain't life a bitch....gettin old...Am I alone here ?


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When I was young, I had hours and hours to practice and play, but no money to buy gear. Now I'm older (44), married w/kids, good job, etc...have money for gear, and not enough time to use it. Wouldn't trade any of my current "problems" though. I'm very blessed I know.

Nonetheless, a few nights ago, at the local dive's jam session, while playing, I realized I've "become" one of those old geezer guitar dudes that I used to not think much of. My fingers are slower, my lick library is limited, my back gets sore, and ... well.. you get the picture. I bet back when I was a teen and those "old" guys wanted to play 50's music, they felt just as good about it as I do now playing 70's and 80's music. Many apologies now to my former elder guitar playing comrades.

So, I get inspired right ? I go to the local shop, pick up a speed mechanics book, start working on it...and I figure out pretty quickly...who am I kidding ? I don't think it's in me anymore. I just am not going to be able to put enough time into it to improve at this stage of my life, and it's a choice, not a curse.

Sad part is, by the time in my life I have "time" to do it again, who knows if my fingers will still work. I love the instrument, and I can't ever see putting it down, but it looks like I mat have to be content with maintaining my current level of mediocrity. Perhaps I'm going through the Guitar Player's version of a middle aged crisis. Oh well... At least I've got good tone finally !!!!

My problem is just the opposite. Plenty of gear, plenty of time to practice,
not enough talent. Worst of all, I started at 43. :cry:

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I'm 41, have a wife, a job, and a 15-month-old kid, and just started playing a couple of years ago. My practice time is limited, to say the least. I'm making very, very slow progress, but I do see progress.

I have no allusions of playing in a rock band in the near future. But I enjoy playing guitar, and I'm enjoying learning something new.

Heck, my wife got me guitar lessons for Christmas and I learned some great stuff in my first lesson on Wednesday.

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Guess I'm the elder statesman here. I had a much longer response typed but somehow lost it.

Anyway, long as it's fun, that's what matters. I've played for a lotta years, starting in the 60's with a rock'n roll band, then in the 80's for about 15 years with a country band.

I've recently started jamming with some guys and found that I could hold my own, and I'll soon be sitting in with a country band I used to play with. I enjoy playing, I enjoy my new equipment, which sounds better than ever, and I enjoy learning new songs. One thing to remember is that no one can beat you at being you. So however or whatever you play, make sure it's you playing, and adding whatever you bring to the song. No one can beat you at that.

Somebody put a post on HC about being afraid of growing old. Let me tell you, the thing to be afraid of is NOT growing old. There's too much that life and music offer to miss it. So stick around as long as you can. It's great!

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Thank you for making me feel young. (which I am)

But you shouldn't get all fussy about the fact that you're getting older, it's normal! And hey, look at Led Zeppelin, they just did a kick-ass reunion gig and I think most kids respect that kind of stuff (or at least I do).



Now I'm impressed with what you said here. RIGHT-ON!

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Since I'm mainly a blues player, I don't have to worry about competing with fast-gun kiddies at what they do.



While csm is in a way different league than I am in terms of guitar chops, this is kind of my attitude.


I don't particularly worry about my slowish middle-aged fingers since I have no interest in learning how to shred. Heck, when I was 20, I wasn't all that interested in that type of music.

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