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Your Ultimate Blues Rig?


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Hey guys, I am thinking about building a kind of "ultimate blues rig." I'm looking for a heavier blues/blues rock sound. I'm curious to know what you all would include in your rigs. I am definetly looking at a strat, possibly a clapton strat, but I also like the idea of a fat strat. The amp duties will probably be shared between a fender twin and a jcm 900. As far as pedals, hopefully a diaz texas tremodillo, a crybaby wah, and a Radial Tonebone hot british OD pedal. What do ya'll think? What would you add? Thanks.

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Can't argue with any of those specific individual components, all of which are good, solid choices.


For my own new blues band, I'm going for:

*Strat (with Tele as backup/alternate) and one of my single-PU slide guitars.

*Super Reverb or Vox Valvetronix AD120VT with homebrewed vintage Fender patches.




EDIT: Afterthought: whuffo you need the Tremodillo? Doesn't your Twin have a serious trem onboard already? Or is it strictly so you can do the wobbly thing through the Marshall?

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Hey guys, I am thinking about building a kind of "ultimate blues rig." I'm looking for a heavier blues/blues rock sound. I'm curious to know what you all would include in your rigs. I am definetly looking at a strat, possibly a clapton strat, but I also like the idea of a fat strat. The amp duties will probably be shared between a fender twin and a jcm 900. As far as pedals, hopefully a diaz texas tremodillo, a crybaby wah, and a Radial Tonebone hot british OD pedal. What do ya'll think? What would you add? Thanks.








I like short scale Gibby type guitars for Blues but a Strat is def' a cool way to go. I like wah in my Blues rig. Works great as a notch filter/ treble boost. If I need some dirt from a pedal a "classic" voiced overdrive works fine.

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although people keep mentioning strats, my tele sounds awesome for blues. add a super or deluxe reverb, and an overdrive pedal, and you're gold.



Tele ... check.


Super Reverb ... check.


What was that about an overdrive pedal?


Roll the guitar volume all the way up, and crank the Super Reverb up to the level you're gonna need for a solo.


Then turn the guitar volume down to where you want to be for rhythm and riffs.


Overdrive pedals are for WEEDY WIMPS and WOOLY WUSSES.


*Shields UP!*


*Thinks: if that last sentence doesn't get me one of young Mr Lobster's canzaworms, nuthin will*

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Yeah, I gotta agree with csm (I think I always say that, hmm), I love me some pedals, but if you are going for a blues rig, I'd have to say:

Strat or Flying V direct into Fender SR, or Blues Jr., or Blues Dlx., using the amps natural distortion in lieu of a pedal.

flying V. i wish more people could understand its true master:



but about the OD pedal, i was kind of thinking in my scenario, a bedroom in a 6 person house. i can't exactly break up a super reverb without causing a riot :idk:

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Right on Lobster! I always viewed the V as a metal or hair band guit. Then I was in New Orleans several years back and saw this cat named Brian Lee absolutely wail the blues on a V. Totally changed my perspective on that axe.

Oh, and good point about the bedroom level necessity that an OD pedal can help out with.

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flying V. i wish more people could understand its true master:



but about the OD pedal, i was kind of thinking in my scenario, a bedroom in a 6 person house. i can't exactly break up a super reverb without causing a riot




Big up for the Mighty Albert! Yay, etc.


That's precisely the prob with the Super Reverb: it's why I don't keep mine at home, where I use the V'Tronix or a 600 instead.


But for LIVE ... the only pedal you'd need would be a clean boost, just to hit the front end a bit harder so the power amp can take you to the next stage of Tone Heaven. Never heard an OD pedal that sounds better than the equivalent of turning the Super Reverb's volume control up another notch or two ...



Ahhh ...


You'll have to forgive me. The very thought is getting me quite moist (tonally speaking that is ...)

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I use any of my Strats or Teles, 59 Bassman RI LTD. with a Holy Grail, or my 65 DRRI.
For home I use a "74" Vibro Champ and a RAT pedal, for quiet OD.
You could also use an SG Classic.:rawk
Most important, you have to feel it.

Really you can use any guitar.
I also like using my SG Classic, SG Std, Epi SheratonII etc.

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