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Something interesting about Jimi Hendrix


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I dont get it.



when playing guitar, the hand is bent toward the arm. this is "flexion." doing it is "flexing" the hand. this brings the hand closer so the humerus (bone in upper arm). this, in turn allows for easier finger placement on the fretboard. and this allows, all else being equal, the guitar to be played like a sonabitch.


the red line in the article indicated how a normal person's fingers line up w/ their wrist. the green line representd the alignment of jimi's fingers.


i'm not religious, but this reminds me of a religious story (i don't know from what religion):


a farmer had a field 100 yards from a well. everyday, the farmer carried his two magical talking buckets to the well, filled them with water, and walked to his field. one day, as the farmer went to get his buckets, he saw that one of them was crying.


"what's wrong, friend?" asked the farmer.


"i am a failure as a bucket. carrying water is the only thing i can do, and i don't do it well."


"don't say that" said the farmer, "you do a fine job".


"how can you say that" said the bucket. "my side is split. by the time you reach the field, half of my water is gone. the other bucket is perfect, and can carry all of the water to the field."


the farmer smiled. "that is why you are so valuable, friend. every day as we walk toward the field, you sprinkle water. because of this, there grows a carpet of flowers along the path. without the split in your side, there would be only barren sand."



Regarding the wrist, it seems that jimi's "deformity" was actually his super-human mutation.

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when playing guitar, the hand is bent toward the arm. this is "flexion." doing it is "flexing" the hand. this brings the hand closer so the humerus (bone in upper arm). this, in turn allows for easier finger placement on the fretboard. and this allows, all else being equal, the guitar to be played like a sonabitch.

the red line in the article indicated how a normal person's fingers line up w/ their wrist. the green line representd the alignment of jimi's fingers.

i'm not religious, but this reminds me of a religious story (i don't know from what religion):

a farmer had a field 100 yards from a well. everyday, the farmer carried his two magical talking buckets to the well, filled them with water, and walked to his field. one day, as the farmer went to get his buckets, he saw that one of them was crying.

"what's wrong, friend?" asked the farmer.

"i am a failure as a bucket. carrying water is the only thing i can do, and i don't do it well."

"don't say that" said the farmer, "you do a fine job".

"how can you say that" said the bucket. "my side is split. by the time you reach the field, half of my water is gone. the other bucket is perfect, and can carry all of the water to the field."

the farmer smiled. "that is why you are so valuable, friend. every day as we walk toward the field, you sprinkle water. because of this, there grows a carpet of flowers along the path. without the split in your side, there would be only barren sand."

Regarding the wrist, it seems that jimi's "deformity" was actually his super-human mutation.






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Damn, he had some long ass fingers. No wonder he had no problem wrapping

the thumb over the neck the way he did.



And other archetypal spiderfinger players included Robert Johnson and Chuck Berry.


Irritating bastards the pair of 'em ...

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