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Unexpected NGD


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So I head to my local GC to exchange my Bad Monkey that died on me this weekend and as I am walking through the door I spot this baby in the corner of my eye and I had to have it. My brand new Classic Player '60s:




This is the most perfect MIM Fender I have ever seen!! The neck is absolutely perfect and setup is dead on! I had the CP 50's for a short while and couldn't warm up to that neck, but this neck is perfect, I had never played a 12" neck before and I really like it. Even better is I got it at the clearance price of $540. Evidently it had been buried in back for awhile and they just found it, I hadn't ever seen it there before. I had to dump my CSB Squier and my EMG DG20's to get it, but it was absolutely worth it. I think it might need a black pg.

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I heard some screwy stories about guitars, getting 'lost in the back' of the store because it has to stay in stock for a certain amount of time before the GC staff can buy it with their discount. Not saying that it happens everywhere, but I wouldn't be surprised if it had been pigeon holed by someone who handpicked that bad boy for themselves and either got canned or changed their mind.

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Maybe some on can help me, according to Fender's specs this is an alder body, but I thought that most sunburst strats were made of ash, hence the extra cost for them.


Either way, this guitar is one slab of wood. I got her opened up and I was shocked to see that it was one piece.


Maybe someone can tell from the grain in the pic, I don't know wood that well.

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