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Anybody working with the Aura??


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No, this isn't a mystic thread, I'm talking about the Fishman Aura, the contraption that's supposed to turn the sound of an acoustic electric guitar into a greatly well recorded acoustic guitar... Anybody have any experience with this and can say if it's as good as it seems to sound on their website??

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so, bottom line, if you know what an acoustic "really" sounds like, i.e. in a studio wiht micrphones, but you need to play live, is an AURA going to get you as close as possible with only a piezo pickup? i.e. is an internal mic AND piezo and AURA necessary, or, does the AURA really do the "whole job" with just a piezo as the source??

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I've been using the one in my Martin live exclusively for the last year. It took a little while to wean my ears off the quack of my Godin and Gibson Chet Atkins. But at this point I will not be going back.




Thanks Wayne... Have you tried to do any recordings and are you happy with them??

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Anybody have more info on this? Recently EQ mag had an article on another unit which creates models of acoustic guitars called mamabear... But the aura seems to be more versatile in that it takes an acoustic electric guitar and makes it sounds like a well recorded instrument... At least, that's what they're trying to sell it as... I"m just wondering if more people have used this???

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Stage work is one thing and recording is another, of course.


On stage you have to compromise. In the studio, if you want the sound of your acoustic guitar as unadulterated as possible, some form of conventional miking will almost certainly provide results closer to what you hear.


(And -- since I hear a fair number of guitars on amateur recordings that were clearly -- usually painfully clearly -- recorded using either a piezo contact mic or even an electromagnetic pickup -- I feel the need to express my personal feelings: I hate that sound. You may have to put up with it on stage, it might not even be all that noticeable on stage (of course, you can hear your acoustic but the audience is only hearing the dang pickups)... but when I hear that tell-tale pickup or piezo sound in a recording that would otherwise probably sound good if just miked, it bugs the holy heck out of me. [And then those guys usually put some frosting on the cake with some cheezeball pedal FX like chorus. :D ] )

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(And -- since I hear a fair number of guitars on amateur recordings that were clearly -- usually
clearly -- recorded using either a piezo contact mic or even an electromagnetic pickup -- I feel the need to express my personal feelings: I
that sound. )



Gosh, I just was explosed to a CD a midwestern jam band of some note, and in most respects the recording is pristine. Excellently recorded rhtythm section of drums, perc, and upright bass--really, like "jazz grade" natural recording. And the two singer/songwriters who front the band both play acoustics, and it was clear, inexplicable but clear, that they recorded their ac. pickups. I hate that as much as you do, Blue. And I simply can't understand it, unless it is some misguided attempt to ensure that the recorded sound is an "honest" representation of the live sound...or that they were getting too much bleed in the studio...crazy

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The reason I'm asking about these boxes is from a technological standpoint, being able to make recordings, plugin in an acoustic guitar and getting a "sound" that emulates an ideal recorded acoustic guitar... So far, if you buy the line 6 variax acoustic guitar, that supposedly does that, but you have to buy a special guitar... The aura and the mamabear basically claim to allow you to do the same with their boxes, but using any guitar, and I"m just wondering if anybody has had any real world experience using these boxes...

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