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Music Ownership and Money after a band breakup?

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Hey guys,

My band and I recently parted ways, and I'm trying to figure how a professional way to handle the money and ownership rights.


They wrote all the music and I wrote all the lyrics. What kind of agreement should I present?


As for the money, my indie label paid for the recording cost, however they contributed towards the packaging. I decided to waive the recoup cost since they didnt sign an agreement prior. Dividing it all evenally sounds fair right?



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As it was a band project, then yes, equal shares to all regarding the costs. YOu mention an indie label, which will complicate the performance rights etc., since, essentially, you co-wrote the songs, therefore you are entitled to half the publishing, and a piece of the rest as well, etc.

If there is real $ involved here, see a lawyer!

Get this written down, and make certain when the copyrights were applied for that your name was on there. You should also make a mutual agreement with your co-writers that either of you can use the material in the future as you see fit, as long as proper credit is given.

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