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Les Paul via Strat


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anyways, you could try a really nice PAF replicad, Gibsons burstbuckers are amazing for the money, or you could go botique if youre willing to spend some extra cash.

It will get you in the ball park, but dont expect to hit a home run

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Those are nice but I want single coil humbuckers. I know I cant be right on the money but would like something ball park.



Actually, a better way to get your strat to sound like an LP is to put in double-coil single-coils. They look like humbuckers, but the second coil is actually invisible. Only people in touch with their chakra (or drunk on fortified wine) can see them...and only on Tuesdays...and only while riding two-wheeled unicycles.

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Actually, a better way to get your strat to sound like an LP is to put in double-coil single-coils. They look like humbuckers, but the second coil is actually invisible. Only people in touch with their chakra (or drunk on fortified wine) can see them...and only on Tuesdays...and only while riding two-wheeled unicycles.




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apple flavored oranges



No seriously you CAN get Les Paul tone from a strat with the help of our trusty friends over at the Seymour Duncan camp :idea:




Combine this one with the lil '59s.

Duckbucker(b) / lil'59(m) / lil'59(n)


http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/electric/stratocaster/cutting-edge/little_59_for_s/ - s/c sized Humbucker (phat sound!)

My personal choice !

Lil'59(b) / lil'59(m) / lil'59(n)



There is a potencial LP tone in every strat :thu: - thank GOD :love:

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My personal choice !

Lil'59(b) / lil'59(m) / lil'59(n)

There is a potencial LP tone in every
- thank GOD

I disagree... sorta. The duckbucker has a quack to it that very untypical Les Paul, except in uber-bright Deluxe LP's. The lil' '59's sound good but they are still not the smooth rich Les Paul tone.

If you are looking for something humbucker sounding those are a fine option but if you want LP tones you are pretty SOL unless you get an LP (or decent replica)... maybe what you need is an LP that coil taps to get an decent strat tone.

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I disagree... sorta. The duckbucker has a quack to it that very untypical Les Paul, except in uber-bright Deluxe LP's. The lil' '59's sound good but they are still not the smooth rich Les Paul tone.

If you are looking for something humbucker sounding those are a fine option but if you want LP tones you are pretty SOL unless you get an LP (or decent replica)... maybe what you need is an LP that coil taps to get an decent strat tone.



I hear what you say . . .



. . . but IF the OP only has the one guitar (strat in this case) and can not gell/come to grips w. the LP shape and feel (like me w. the strat) the easiest/cheapest way imho is to get a Lil'59 strat-set (of three) PU box-set.


I can not gell w. a start to safe my live.

I "hate" the shape, feel, and, and, and.

So to get around that, i am gonna get a Gibbo Melody Maker soon, and get into ball-park strat tone !





I aslo have the option of replacing the pu's with other after-market start units :idea:.

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