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Lessons how long?


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Subjective question I know. For those of you that took lessons how long did you take them? I am in 15 months now and will finish out the year then review. I was just wondering at what point you just stop then try and apply all the stuff you learned on your own. I still haven't found my grove yet as they say but lessons helped so much for me anyway. I have a great teacher he just started teaching me some songs. He wouldn't do it at first I had to learn technique first. That turned out to be a good thing.

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If you can discipline yourself, you can learn a great amount from the web.

There is also a lesson loft here on HC.



True but the exchange of ideas and concepts in person are priceless...as are a set of experienced eyes and ears on you in real time making adjustments, tweaking techniques, and personalizing practice schedules.

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If you can discipline yourself, you can learn a great amount from the web.

There is also a lesson loft here on HC.



All the lesson loft {censored}s is broken links thats why i is doing teh mike dodge stuf.

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True but the exchange of ideas and concepts in person are priceless...as are a set of experienced eyes and ears on you in real time making adjustments, tweaking techniques, and personalizing practice schedules.


Cheaper to do it on your own. I did.

I can count the number of lessons on one hand.

I still suck. :lol:

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A modest 2 1/2 years, lessons every week except for vacation and holidays. I seriously doubt that I would have made the same progress otherwise.


It really helps to have someone that's been through that same point on the learning curve and can give appropriate material. You really lack that doing it yourself from the internet. There's no way I would be disciplined enough to learn completely on my own.


If you buy a DVD lesson, it's probably all a similar style. My teacher likes to mix it up a little, we do blues-like stuff for a while, then some jazz-like stuff, and then rock. The rock is fun, but you learn a lot from the jazz. I would have never even considered to learn about the jazz stuff if I were on my own.

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i dont think any dvd, internet lesson, or book can really beat the lessons of an experienced guitar player who can teach well, so never stop having lessons. Unless you become the best in the world, then i guess you can stop.

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