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laptop recoding?!


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so my mom is geting me a laptop for my birthday(woohoo)! So I would like to be able to record my band, and what would I need. I have an old recording sound card in my PC and I recorded some stuff before, but nothing lately. I`m looking for something somewhat cheap, like a 100$ if its posible. We have an 16 chanell mixer in our rehersal place and some mics. So I thnik I would be needing a USB/Firewire card.? Thanx for recomendations in advance.

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I'm assuming it's a PC, which limits my knowledge quite a bit. The best bet for quality, in my opinion, is to get an audio interface that goes directly into FireWire and bypasses the whole sound card issue completely. Unfortunately, to get a good one of those, you're usually going to shell out over $300 for a decent one, $600+ for one with more than 8 simultaneous channels. Sorry I couldn't help more! Those Apple people just make it too darn easy for me. :p

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I'm assuming it's a PC, which limits my knowledge quite a bit. The best bet for quality, in my opinion, is to get an audio interface that goes directly into FireWire and bypasses the whole sound card issue completely. Unfortunately, to get a good one of those, you're usually going to shell out over $300 for a decent one, $600+ for one with more than 8 simultaneous channels. Sorry I couldn't help more! Those Apple people just make it too darn easy for me.


I'd have to agree, if price isn't an object, I'd go for some form of Firewire interface, but since it's a PC, there's no guarantee that you have an IEEE 1395 port anyway. I think your best bet would be some kind of USB mixer, at this point...I can't think of any off the top of my head except the TuneStudio by Belkin, which (I think) also records straight to an iPod, so that may be useful if your laptop isn't available for whatever reason

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I'm assuming it's a PC, which limits my knowledge quite a bit. The best bet for quality, in my opinion, is to get an audio interface that goes directly into FireWire and bypasses the whole sound card issue completely. Unfortunately, to get a good one of those, you're usually going to shell out over $300 for a decent one, $600+ for one with more than 8 simultaneous channels. Sorry I couldn't help more! Those Apple people just make it too darn easy for me.


There's a lot of choices for $300 or less. Firebox, m-audio 410, focusrite saffire. If you go used you can save a ton, I just bought a focusrite saffire for $180, they're $300 new. To get more channels you'll have to spend more and get something like the firepod or saffire pro, but he said he had a mixer, which could be used to circumvent this problem. Just mic up the drums into the mixer and send it in stereo to the interface, repeat for everything else

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I have experience with the Presonus Firebox and its a very good piece of kit. Easy to use, comes with Cubase or Abelton Live (cant rmember which). Also a few mics (at least 3 for the drums iirc).

This is just based on some experience with a local technician who does band demos. (SM58s > Firebox (firewire) > Laptop).

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well I was thinking something in this matter.


Oh, and price IS an object+-100$


I actually have one of those that I don't use anymore with original box and all papers and cable and software. Care to make a deal?


It's an excellent device, but the only reason I don't need it is I bought a device that has more inputs so I can track drums.

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I'm assuming it's a PC


Can't really think of any consumer-class laptops in current production that aren't PCs.


In that price range, and given that you already have a mixer, I'd look at something simple, with 2x2 IO and Firewire or USB connection. You don't even need fancy stuff like mic pres and hi-Z instrument inputs, the mixer should take care of those. Look at the M-Audio offerings, for instance.


Also, I'm not sure how much the Creative Audigy 2 ZS costs, but if it fits the bill and if your laptop has a Cardbus (also incorrectly known as PCMCIA) slot, it's a nice option. I've used it myself in the past, and it does the job fine. The small form factor should be a plus - external units will be bulkier.


Another thing to note is that Firewire units will require a separate power adapter, unless you're getting an Apple laptop, as those seem to be the only laptops capable of providing Firewire bus power.

USB units usually don't need external power, save for some like the Line6 Toneport UX8.

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i have the line 6 toneport ux1 and use it for laptop recording quite a bit


its only like 89$ now i think


if you have a mixer you can use the 2 line ins on the back and record a stereo mix


plus you get loads of extras that you can use to do any overdubbing if you need

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Nice try on being a smart ass. These days, people classify Macs as different from PCs. That's what I was referring to. Condescend to someone else.


Now-now, no need to get upset.

Intel platform, ergo PC. Even the Mac guy in the commercials knows that.


I was hoping people these days would be over that old PC=Wintel paradigm.

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I actually have one of those that I don't use anymore with original box and all papers and cable and software. Care to make a deal?

It's an excellent device, but the only reason I don't need it is I bought a device that has more inputs so I can track drums.


Well I just thought of this today and I haven`t looked at all the options yet..and I live in Europe, so shipping may be a bit uneconomical(unles you are willing to pay for it :) )


I will be probably doing all the recording in a (guitar/bass/>amp>micked)>mixer>soundcard>computer way. I`m thinking of doing the drums and vocals in a same way, just direct into the mixer then soundcard...

I gues I don`t need as many chanels, just a couple of decent ones. Seem that 8 or more chanel cards are way out of my reach for the moment.

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Now-now, no need to get upset.

Intel platform,
PC. Even the Mac guy in the commercials knows that.

I was hoping people these days would be over that old PC=Wintel paradigm.



As an Apple employee, I wish that whole thing would be over as well. Considering the Apples do 95% of what a computer running Windows can do, it's about time people gave it a rest. I only used the generalization because most people still do.

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Well I just thought of this today and I haven`t looked at all the options yet..and I live in Europe, so shipping may be a bit uneconomical(unles you are willing to pay for it

I will be probably doing all the recording in a (guitar/bass/>amp>micked)>mixer>soundcard>computer way. I`m thinking of doing the drums and vocals in a same way, just direct into the mixer then soundcard...

I gues I don`t need as many chanels, just a couple of decent ones. Seem that 8 or more chanel cards are way out of my reach for the moment.


Well, pretty sure we put a mixer into the MobilePre once and it didn't agree with it. Gave out a non-feedback high pitch squeal, which I believe indicates latency issues. :confused:

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As an Apple employee, I wish that whole thing would be over as well. Considering the Apples do 95% of what a computer running Windows can do, it's about time people gave it a rest. I only used the generalization because most people still do.


Only 95%??? :confused:



Last I checked, Windows didn't have Core Services (Animation, audio, image), nor did it actually get FASTER when I upgraded from an old version of the OS to a new one...not what this thread is about, but meh...

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Only 95%???

Last I checked, Windows didn't have Core Services (Animation, audio, image), nor did it actually get FASTER when I upgraded from an old version of the OS to a new one...not what this thread is about, but meh...


Well... OS X can do more than Windows can, but games are the only thing Windows can do that OS X can't and that's what I would say that 5% accounts for.


And with that, I'm going to stop hijacking the OP's thread, haha. :freak:

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i have the ux1

but the ux2 is almost exactly the same

it should be perfect for what you are doing because i have used it in the same set up


it has zero latency in case you want to go back and do overdubs or monitor out of it


i usually use a click track and do

drums->mixer->line inputs on toneport->gearbox software (included w/ux)->recording software (also included but you can use whatever)


and then i do the rest as overdubs since the line6 has zero latency and it makes mixing easier


plus the models in gearbox are great for vocals bass and guitar


its probably your best bet

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