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Nice YouTube Vid of a guy playing "Turn Turn Turn" on a Ricky 360/12


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I was googling around for prices on these since they are coming up to the top of my GAS list, and I stumbled across this YouTube vid.


I've always been a huge fan of that sound since my early yute. I was like in 3rd to 4th grade when I remember first hearing this song somewhere around '66 or '67.


But I enjoyed listening to it, and assuming his rendition is fairly faithful, I really thought it was cool to hear the Ricky 12 string by itself, not only for the tone, but for the separation from of mix of the part of that song performed by McGuinn on the 12.


Thought some of you guys (if you're an aging boomer like me) might also enjoy it.


Kudos to BuddyClontz :thu:

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Thanks for finding that and adding it to the thread. It's damn near a lesson on how to play it properly.


I can hear the pieces that were missing in the vid I posted, but it's funny that the sound is better on the vid put on YT by Clontz.

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I was playing guitar tonight and my daughter asked me why I never play the cool one (pointing to my Rick 330/12).


I told her that most of the music I play isn't really suited for it. I guess it's more likely that I don't know what to play when I pick it up.


Out of guilt, I picked it up and was playing Purple Haze on it. You can get a cool vibe, but it's just not made to play that type of rock.


I'm going to have to spend some time watching the above video so I can play something on the Rick and use it a bit more.


Thanks for posting this.

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I was playing guitar tonight and my daughter asked me why I never play the cool one (pointing to my Rick 330/12).

I told her that most of the music I play isn't really suited for it. I guess it's more likely that I don't know what to play when I pick it up.

Out of guilt, I picked it up and was playing Purple Haze on it. You can get a cool vibe, but it's just not made to play that type of rock.

I'm going to have to spend some time watching the above video so I can play something on the Rick and use it a bit more.

Thanks for posting this.



That's probably why I've put off buying a Ricky 12 myself. Seems like you need to build up a bit of an appropriate repertoire before getting one, but I think I'll just get one anyway and then take it from there. The sound is just so different from anything else in my arsenal that I probably need to go there so it will push me in the other direction a bit.


And then of course, you can always use it for strumming songs like

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  • 5 weeks later...
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You Know...I just stumbled onto this site tonight and I have to say thanks to all of you who took the time to watch my no frills You Tube videos which are all meager attempts to get it right just by playing by ear. I am going to eventually redo Turn Turn Turn and do a more "McGuinnish" solo..but bear in mind than no one really comes close to Roger on the Rickenbacker 12 string. He is the true master of this instrument. On the Turn Turn Turn video I only used a flat pick and often I will play the 360-12 with a flat pick and a finger pick. By the way, I have never seen the McGuinn video so I will have to get one and take a look. The Rickenbacker is a different animal...but nothing sounds like it as you can hear from the videos that I have done and that others have done. I play many styles of music and not just classic rock...but this stuff on video is just for fun on You Tube and I'm going to do some more in the future hopefully. I appreciate the response and comments from each of you. Eventually, I might even get back out there and play a little in public if I can get a decent Bassist and Drummer...and maybe a few singers...LOL My website has my guitar pictures and a lot of other stuff but if you want to take a look see www.infinityvisualgraphics.com and photos are of my Rickenbacker that I used in those You Tube Videos.


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I love your vids. Amused to see you and I have one thing incommon...the weird old Epiphone Genesis! I sold mine some time ago,what a boat anchor! It must have weighed 12 lbs.!!


Really do enjoy your playing and the tasteful material you choose...keep 'em coming!!

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Thanks for the posts and comments! The Epiphone Genesis was actually the first "real" guitar I ever owned and I have had it since it was new in 1979. You were not kidding about the weight though...as that thing weighs about 2+ times what a Rickenbacker does...but it actually still sounds and plays good! Loads of sustain. :)


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By the way, on this version I played using a Fender thin flat pick and a metal finger pick to get that alternate picking effect that Roger Mcguinn uses so successfully...however, no one really plays a Rickenbacker 12-string quite like Roger. He is the true master of that instrument in my opinion. -BC

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Roger McGuinn says in his instructional video that he goes directly into the board (no amp) with his 370/12. He didn't make it clear whether or not he did that during the Byrds early days. He implies that Rick 12's only sound good with compressors (heavy compression in his case).


I love his sound. It's instantly recognizable. I also like the way that my 360/12 sounds through my Vox AC30TBX with no compressor. In fact, there are a lot of things you can do with a 360/12 that sound really amazing.


Thanks for the clip, Buddy. I like your take on Turn Turn Turn. Very tasteful and toneful.

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Thanks for the kind words! I did another short take on "Turn Turn Turn" and you might like it better. Give it a listen whenever you're over on You Tube! -BC:rawk:


You bet. :thu:






I put an order in for one back in February (Fireglo). It's supposed to show up in November. So I've got to get busy on learning those licks. I mean, one shouldn't own a Ricky 12 without learning that tune, right? ;)


Last month I received a 360-6 Jetglo.

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