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Help me find the guitar that...


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I can play with out fear of damaging it. I am in a band and we will be gigging

fairly soon and we have quite a bit of local intrest and we get quite a few gig

invites already.


I want a guitar that I can play with out fear of damaging it, and that looks

decent with some wear and dings. I dont like how all these thick poly finishes

look when they cloud, get pick swirls, and get dings. both my guitars right

now have nice pretty quilt tops and shiny poly finishes and i would be scared

to gig them.


Im looking for something Pretty barebones, Pretty inexpensive(

frikin work horse that can take some heavy playing. I want it to have a fixed

bridge, and a single p90 or humbucker in the bridge would be sweet, and i

would like it to be bolt on.

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The dul pickup Melody Maker might just be the ticket. The Worn White finish is more cool looking than you might think, but you could relic it more w/o fear of losing too much value. And you could also decoupage it or sticker it. Most importantly, the dual pickup MM has a lot of great tones; it's versatile as can be.

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The dul pickup Melody Maker might just be the ticket. The Worn White finish is more cool looking than you might think, but you could relic it more w/o fear of losing too much value. And you could also decoupage it or sticker it. Most importantly, the dual pickup MM has a lot of great tones; it's versatile as can be.




im not looking to purposly relic it, but i play heavey handed without meaning to and i want something i can play without fear. I may have to pick one up.

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I would definitely say a MIM strat. Add all 5 springs, it'll lock the bridge down and be just like a hardtail. You can put any pickup arrangement you want in it, it'll take a beating, and strats look great with some digs and wear.


I see lots of MIM guitars in the hands of gigging musicians.

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im not looking to purposly relic it, but i play heavey handed without meaning to and i want something i can play without fear. I may have to pick one up.




Well, then. I think the Worn White will look cool under the lights as is, and I really don't think that two pickups would hamper you, but because I might be wrong, how about a Tom Delonge Strat?

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Well, then. I think the Worn White will look cool under the lights as is, and I really don't think that two pickups would hamper you, but because I might be wrong, how about a Tom Delonge Strat?



nope 2 pick ups are cool. Im probly going for that or a simply ass tele build.

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you can get a used gibson faded flying v for about 500. they look sick if you mount black les paul pickup rings on it. you wont see any scratches over the white pick guard, its got the best balance of any guitar ive tried when standing up and the 500t pickup sounds amazing imho. the whole point of the faded finsih is to get that "worn" look. A few dings, scratches, or even gouges will fit its over all appearance. i should know i own one.

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