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Hagstrom Swede?


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Anyone know much about this guitar? I bought it in New York City around 1979. I've heard it compared to the Les Paul. Is this valid? Haven't played it much over the years. I was just curious if this is considered a good quality guitar and what it might be worth.


I was also wondering if anyone knows how best to utilize the switches and knobs. I know there are two for volume and two for tone. And the switches control the pickups. Is there some sort of guide available?


Sorry for my ignorance. But I just recently have gotten back into guitar and found this website and forum and thought I'd give it a shot.



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The old Hagstroms definitely have a cult following. Even the modern day ones are solid, though they're made in China and supposedly lack the "magic" of the old ones.

Definitely hang onto it! It's a keeper.

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So its pretty much sat under the bed for 30 years? Jesus, that beast could be worth a pretty penny



You got it exactly right. That's where it's been, under my bed. It's in mint shape. That's cool to think I might actually have a hidden gem. Didn't know what I was doing when I bought it. I've been so out of touch with the guitar world til this website. It's so much fun to get back into it. Right now, I'm actually drawn to acoustic which I never played til recently. Just bought a Larrivee L-03.

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That kid's gonna have back problems!
My Swede was a heavy-ass chunk of mahogany, and it was a mess when I had it. Great build quality and sound. If your Swede is in good shape (ie, no broken plastic and original stuff), it's worth a pretty penny these days...

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