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eBay psychodrama


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That link makes ME feel poor.
But as
just said:

"I can't think of a single time I've regretted buying quality gear after the initial financial pain ended but certainly recall some regrets from buying cheap crap."

I've always loved their preamps, and have wanted one for ages, so I went ahead and did it. And besides, it's a tax write-off.


:cry: but that means you have income from music to be able to write it off and I read and appreciate your articles in the printed word? :thu: ?

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Those API pres are killer. I've been recording all month on the A2D, and while it is not my fav for everything (the recordist also has a Great River which I prefer for vox), the 312 is a really distinctive, high energy pre.


Hey Phil, now that I've got you cornered ;) any impressions on those Avant Electronics mics yet?

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Ehhh... And that's not a horrible price for a RE20 in that condition IMO...



"Not horrible" is the perfect description of the deal I got, and I know I will never regret owning that mic--should it arrive in working order--once it is here. As I said, I've been spitting into the same RE20s at WFNP for going on 17 years, and they still sound great, so this is one tough dynamic.


I also have an SM7B, giving me two world class V/O dynamics. I also have a Sytek pre which has tons of clean gain--great for dynamics and ribbons.


I should be OK. Once it arrives.

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Happy, at least conditionally, to report that the RE20 arrived today


("lightning fast shipper, great eBayer, a real asset")


...And seems to work just fine. It is quite a bit dinged and tarnished--more than the auction photo suggested, and it seems a bit...smelly, but I just ran it through some paces and it sounds rich and full and quiet. In fact I did a completely unscientific solo A/B of it with my SM7B and I prefer the RE20, but I don't do a lot of acapella one-voice stuff, so I am not rushing to conclusions.

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Hi! Sometimes you can safely remove odors by taking a dryer /fabric sheet wraping around or placing in towel or pillow case and leaving it for a few days. Oust and some of the other products can be sprayed on lightly, you just have to hope the chemicals don't do harm to your expensive gear.

Dryer sheets packed in guitar cases,mic cases etc. let your gear come out smelling like an ocean breeze, valley of flowers etc.:lol: Beats the rotten breath stink.


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Hi! Sometimes you can safely remove odors by taking a dryer /fabric sheet wraping around or placing in towel or pillow case and leaving it for a few days. Oust and some of the other products can be sprayed on lightly, you just have to hope the chemicals don't do harm to your expensive gear.

Dryer sheets packed in guitar cases,mic cases etc. let your gear come out smelling like an ocean breeze, valley of flowers etc.
Beats the rotten breath stink.



Might have to try the dryer sheet trick, thx.

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