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Vote for Raffle ideas...


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I know we have a raffle going on now for a great cause and that we've already had a couple others this year.


I want you guys to vote your opinion in the poll so I can get an idea of when would be good to do another. For a quick rundown the reason is a dear friend and fellow guitarist that's in very bad health. He's had 4 heart attacks and currently has 19 stints holding his arteries open. He's in bad shape to say the least.


I'm willing to put up some of my own gear for this raffle. Rock Lobster has agreed to do video demos of the gear and give his honest opinions of the condition.


Rock Lobster and I have discussed it and feel the following gear I have would generate the most interest. So far, a Gibson Les Paul Studio DC, Michael Kelly Patriot Black, and a Vox AD30VT with footswitch. I'm working on a couple other items. We were thinking $10.00 for one entry and $20.00 for 3 would be fair with the quality of the prizes.


So, please participate in the poll to help me decide WHEN would be the best time to try this.



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Not to buzzkill, Streetknight, but did you think you can get more for the LP if you sold it outright?

Either way, I'm in for the ticket(s). You must be a good friend.



i think that's the point of this poll. personally, i'd think he'd get far more than what he could if he just sold it.

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has any other raffle on here garnered any legal concerned? if not i doubt it's an issue.



this was the reason the "mason givaway" was a givaway rather than a raffle.


the legal concern is not that the gaming commission will knock on your door and arrest you... but that some ticket buyer will sue your ass because they didnt win.


i used to run a "game" website where we gave prizes away and the number of rediculous threats and complaints of fraud were insane.. and we didnt charge for anything.


i know it always ruins peoples fun, and often times the recipient of the raffle monies is a worthy cause, but thats the law.


so you can run an illegal raffle if you like, but dont be surprised if someone attempts to sue and you end up with less than your started with.

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this was the reason the "mason givaway" was a givaway rather than a raffle.

the legal concern is not that the gaming commission will knock on your door and arrest you... but that some ticket buyer will sue your ass because they didnt win.

i used to run a "game" website where we gave prizes away and the number of rediculous threats and complaints of fraud were insane.. and we didnt charge for anything.

i know it always ruins peoples fun, and often times the recipient of the raffle monies is a worthy cause, but thats the law.

so you can run an illegal raffle if you like, but dont be surprised if someone attempts to sue and you end up with less than your started with.




Yeah I understand the concern. Seem like nothing ever comes up until I try to help someone. No matter what it is.


Anyway, How about we just have a guitar giveaway, with the option of making a donation to a worthy cause. Anyone can enter to get their name in the hat. We'll just pull the winner's name out of the hat of people that donated :poke:

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