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Looking for a strat!

Electric Monk

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OK, after much thought I've realized I don't like humbuckers that much, and I need to get myself a strat.


I THOUGHT I wanted the Classic Player 50's - custom shop pickups and a cool silver finish? Sweet!

But the weird pickup switching is turning me off. I love the sound of the neck and mid pickup together, I'm a big fan of Knopfler and SRV. Is this something I could ask the guys in GC to change when I buy it, and will it be as expensive as the guitar itself?


Oh, and if there's a Strat for about the same price range that comes in olympic white with a rosewood board I'd like to know about it.


(I ALREADY KNOW ABOUT HIGHWAY ONES! I don't want one, I don't think. I don't like the huge headstock and the high output pickups.)

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OK, after much thought I've realized I don't like humbuckers that much, and I need to get myself a strat.

I THOUGHT I wanted the Classic Player 50's - custom shop pickups and a cool silver finish? Sweet!

But the weird pickup switching is turning me off. I love the sound of the neck and mid pickup together, I'm a big fan of Knopfler and SRV. Is this something I could ask the guys in GC to change when I buy it, and will it be as expensive as the guitar itself?

Oh, and if there's a Strat for about the same price range that comes in olympic white with a rosewood board I'd like to know about it.

(I ALREADY KNOW ABOUT HIGHWAY ONES! I don't want one, I don't think. I don't like the huge headstock and the high output pickups.)



If you have any experience with a soldering iron you could makes this modification yourself in two minutes easy. Otherwise, if the shops are anything like they are over here in, they shouldn't charge you for such a little job after dropping a few hundred bills in their shop.

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... and I need to get myself a strat.

Welcome home brother! :wave:


I THOUGHT I wanted the Classic Player 50's - custom shop pickups and a cool silver finish? Sweet! But the weird pickup switching is turning me off. I love the sound of the neck and mid pickup together, I'm a big fan of Knopfler and SRV. Is this something I could ask the guys in GC to change when I buy it, and will it be as expensive as the guitar itself?

First, there is no silver finish on the Classic Player '50s guitars. There is Shoreline Gold and Sunburst.


Second, The Classic Player '50s Strats do not have Custom Shop pickups. They have '57/'62 pickups, which I really like, but they aren't Custom Shop. For that you would have to get a CP '60s as they come with CS '69s.


Third, it only takes a $12 5-way switch and a dab of solder to rewire the pickups like a conventional Strat.


Oh, and if there's a Strat for about the same price range that comes in olympic white with a rosewood board I'd like to know about it.

I'm sure you could find a used American Series Strat in that color combo for the asking price of a Classic Player. However, if I were you I'd call your local Guitar Center and see if they have any Classic Player '50s Strats on clearance. Some guys here have bought them for $400 .. and THAT'S an absolute steel at that price.

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Alright, I'll ask about the clearance, but even if not hopefully I'll be able to get the soldering done for free. I've never soldered one connection in my life.


And I was under the impression they had custom shop pickups. I'll buy it anyway, though, I haven't heard any bad things about this guitar.

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Alright, I'll ask about the clearance, but even if not hopefully I'll be able to get the soldering done for free. I've never soldered one connection in my life.

And I was under the impression they had custom shop pickups. I'll buy it anyway, though, I haven't heard any bad things about this guitar.

The Classic 50's Strat does come with a 5-way switch, so it's just a matter of a simple soldering job to switch the connections and get yourself that classic #4 position.

However, I would also recommend getting some kind of mini-switch or a push-pull pot so you can get the neck + bridge and all 3 pickups as well. Those sounds are pretty awesome as well. :thu:

As far as pricing goes, you might be able to score a used 2008 Am Std for the same price as a new Classic 50's Player.

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