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O/T I have a new addiction...


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Been there, done that. I had a friend that owned a local record store and was able to finance two guitars by selling off hundreds of my albums that a) I don't listen to anymore; or b) I have already replaced on CD. By the way I still have about three hundred of the darn things - looked for a disc by the Soft Boys (Robin Hitchcock's first band) the other day and said "damn, musta sold it".:mad:

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I heard that vinyl sounds better than digital so I did my own comparison. Guess what, CDs blow vinyl out of the water, not even close. Can't imagine why anyone would still want vinyl. Other than bigger album covers, there is just no upside.

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I heard that vinyl sounds better than digital so I did my own comparison. Guess what, CDs blow vinyl out of the water, not even close. Can't imagine why anyone would still want vinyl. Other than bigger album covers, there is just no upside.





Obscure recordings is another upside (imo).

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I heard that vinyl sounds better than digital so I did my own comparison. Guess what, CDs blow vinyl out of the water, not even close. Can't imagine why anyone would still want vinyl. Other than bigger album covers, there is just no upside.



+1 but its cool and all so yeah whatever. in this way the youngsters can also participate in rock

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I heard that vinyl sounds better than digital so I did my own comparison. Guess what, CDs blow vinyl out of the water, not even close. Can't imagine why anyone would still want vinyl. Other than bigger album covers, there is just no upside.



I actually can't agree with that. My reason for liquidating a lot of my records was actually more because of ease of use (with CDs) and maintenance (CDs never get scratchy). Just as I prefer analogue technology with pedals and amps, so it is with recordings. Although it is true that you get much better dynamic range with digital, you get better transient response (more bits of info) with analogue which gives it an overall warmer sound IMO.

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Well you're gonna need a good needle on your turntable. I recommend the Goldfinger.



I have an old technics 1800 with a brand new shrure cartridge that was about 60 bucks. It was a huge improvement over my old plastic based fisher. I'm now looking to go all out and get a technics 1200.

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I heard that vinyl sounds better than digital so I did my own comparison. Guess what, CDs blow vinyl out of the water, not even close. Can't imagine why anyone would still want vinyl. Other than bigger album covers, there is just no upside.



I've never heard that it was better than digital but theres just something organic about all the little crackles and pops you hear when spinning your favorite records.

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I have like over 200 vinyls. Found them in my grandpas house when I was a kid, they used to belong to my uncle but since he passed away years ago I got to keep them. There's everything from jazz to blues to rock there including every 70's AC/DC and KISS albums.

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Last time I was in Japan, I stopped in a little used record store in Kobe & flipped through their jazz vinyl.


Holy crap, if only I had brought along a flight-worthy case for bringing records home, I'm pretty sure I could have paid for my whole trip just by buying the right records at that shop and re-selling them in the US.

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I love vinyl, though I don't have a huge collection. Just the other week I picked up 12 excellent-condition classic rock albums at my church yardsale for $3. Total. Black Sabbath Vol 4, and Heaven and Hell - neither of which I had for some reason, Clapton's Backless, Heart's Little Queen, Bob Seger's Live Bullet, Aerosmith Rocks, etc. Best luck I've had in a while - I check out the Goodwill stores fairly often, but they never have anything worthwhile. I got a chuckle from the guy ringing me up as I bought the two Black Sabbath albums at my church. =)

1) I love the larger artwork and inserts of records.
2) A side of a record is the perfect length. I can put it on when I'm doing something (like the dishes) and get a "complete" experience. When I have CDs in the tray I end up listening to the first few songs 90% of the time.
3) Records can be found really cheap.
4) I think vinyl sounds great. I don't have an album to compare side-by-side w/ the CD, and I wouldn't say it sounds "better" but I don't have any problem with it.

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