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Edirol - MA-7A close monitors

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Has no one here used these?



Dan, I have a pair at my workplace, those exact model.


I'd rate them pretty terrible. It's nice they have tone controls on the front but they're anything but flat. Pushing in the bass control to "enhance" the bass is not useful for any purpose I can think of. I'm an Edirol fan in general, but these speakers are no better than the standard Altec type computer speakers. Not at all suitable for any sort of serious mixing.


On the other hand, I found M-Audio's similar priced AV-40 powered monitors to be surprisingly accurate for inexpensive, desktop computer style speakers. They have aux in and headphone mini jacks on the front, which I find useful for plugging in an MP3 player or quality earbuds when I don't want to disturb my wife, respectively. There is also a bass boost switch on the back that I never use for the same reason I don't use the Edirol's bass boost.


I find the M-Audio's good enough to do test mixes with, provided you mind the low bass which of course they don't reproduce very well. About the only complaint I have about them is the power switch is inconveniently located on the back, and there are no tone controls (which doesn't bother me).


Hope that helps. :)


Terry D.

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