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Choosing Between 3 Amps Help!!


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You mention the JCM 800 head and I gotta say that those are excellent amps as well, again not much much for clean tones but great classic rock and classic metal (Maiden, Priest) tones.



Actually, I'm a Fender tone kinda guy through and through. I had a 73 Twin for several years and at the same time, I borrowed a JCM800 1x12 combo for about a year and had a variety of pedals at the time (mostly trying to get good dirt tones with the Twin).


I must say, I ended up getting some pretty decent clean tones outof the 800. Low-ish output single coils and up to an SD59. The thing the Fenders have in spades over the 800 IS 'the Fender tone' where there is gain, but it is so responsive to the pick and the volume being put out by the guitar that you can pick fairly lightly and it sounds 100% clean, but you dig into it and it sounds like you added a light stop box of some sort. Of course, almost any tube amp can do that, but Deluxes and Vibroluxes and amps like that really excel at it. Even more so than the Twin. The Twin just has so much power and with the 2 12s, it take a very slightly dirty stomp box even to sound proper.

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I have a few buddies that use the 800, and I've played thru their gear a few times. Just didn't expect to find one I could afford. most on the bay go for 12 to $1500, That's without a cab. I swapped the deville I had on hold with a Marshall 1960 Cab used, and aged beautifully. I played through it for over a hour today in my local GC. I'll have all of the gear by next Wednesday. And the power consumption was a direct cut and paste from the ebay listing.

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