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Fender Highway One finish wear


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Just curious for those of you who have the Fender Highway Ones. I know the finish is supposed to wear quickly, but does it do so naturally? When you get down to the poly, is it smooth? I might be able to score a honey blonde tele for pretty cheap, and I'm wondering if the finish will be annoying.


Pics would be sexy.

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Yeah, sure... but, you know, it's a beat-up MIM for $1k. There wasn't really as much of a market for those as Fender had hoped.

In fact, I read here where 25% of the potential buyers said he thought better of it just recently...




Flame fail. He said Highway One, not Road Worn.


To answer the OP, the finish does wear, but not really like a true Nitro finish would. There was a thread about this a while ago (I found it using my subscribed history).


If you'll note some of the pics from that thread, you'll see what I'm talking about. Looks about like my old beat up poly Peavey Predator. Check it:




Notice how those "checks" look more like scratches or deep cracks.


This is finish checking:


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