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Everything posted by bigpharoah

  1. I build my own PC systems in steel rack mount cases, with AMD Athlon 64 processors, and huge fans(up to 7) inside to cool everything down. These are noisy, and they have to be put into a machine room or isolation cabinet. I use premium parts for every aspect of my PC, and I can build a powerful, reliable PC for a very reasonable price. I usually have more than one, with some acting as file servers, and some running FX Teleport. When they start to get old, I sell them and use the cash to build another one. If you don't have the knowledge to service your PC, or you use one with a cheap, plastic case, that has inadequate ventilation , you can run into a problem. The Mac/ Logic/ ProTools HD combination is amazing, but it is quite expensive. I've worked with Macs, and I've seen them crash. I've seen motherboards blow out. If you are out of warranty, you are out of luck, because it is going to be expensive. If one of my motherboards is out of warranty and it goes, I most likely can find the same, or a compatible model for a price even cheaper then what I originally paid for the motherboard. This makes my total cost of ownership even less. When I run my waves L2 and IR-1, Blue Tubes bundle, PSP and URS plugins, I know I am very competitive sonically with anything coming out of a Mac/Protools environment. In addition, FX Teleport gives me access to virtually unlimited processing power, expandable at any time for only a couple of hundred dollars.
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