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Mr Woo

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Everything posted by Mr Woo

  1. There was a Galveston bass In my basement for like 5 years left from one of my kids. One day I decided to fix the amp and mess with the bass, learned to adjust and set It up right. It now sounds and plays great. Stays in tune, absolutely no more fret buzz, intonation is perfect and sounds really flawless. I practiced every day for a year. Then I bought a Fender 40 amp and then wanted to upgrade the bass. Just got a new Sire P7. Terrible fret noise and other strange noises and just doesn't sound right, therefore not fun to play. I thought I researched enough but now I see there is a lot about the fret noise on the internet. I miss playing my Galveston and may take the sire back- I don't want to mess with the adjustments. I feel like just sticking with what works, even though it's just a Galveston.
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