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Everything posted by Gahtadreem

  1. I own a Zager ZAD900ce. This guitar is far from garbage. It is all solid woods. Impeccable inlay and curly maple binding. The Fishman Aura pickup system which is $500 by itself. Is some of the work done overseas? Yes. So what? The question should be is the work and materials used worth the price they ask for the guitar. In my opinion it absolutely is. The tone and playability rivals guitars that cost hundreds and sometimes thousands more. I’m not going to put it up against a $6k Bourgeois but it only cost 1/3 if that so let’s compare apples to apples. It’ll hold its own with any Martin or Taylor, Larrivee, Breedlove, etc. You have to get into boutique guitars to find better and for the money I don’t believe there is a better guitar in its price range. Yes, playability is one thing but playability without tone, projection and balance means nothing. This guitar has it all, craftsmanship, sound and playability. Play one before you critique it. Otherwise you sound like an idiot. It’s hard to justify an opinion on something you have zero knowledge about.
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